Chapter 22 - Shattered soul

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I hit the ground with a big thud. I felt dizzy and my head hurt. I tried opening my eyes but they remained shut. I couldn't move or speak. What is this? I thought to myself. I decided to fall back asleep into my dreams and continue rest. Although, before I could, I heard the door slam open and heels clicking against the floor.

"Cassandra are you okay?!" She asked. "Cassandra! Cassandra can you hear me?" I tried to nod, or make some sort of noise but I couldn't. And the voice sure didn't sound like Mei's. "Get her to the infirmary right this second!" The voice called in the other direction. Soon after. I felt my body being lifted up and my eyes slowly opened. "Does she have a concussion?" More footsteps on what sounded like stone. "Ma'am I am going to need you to calm down, she simply fell of her bed, nothing serious could've happened.

I woke up at I guess, an hour later perhaps, to bright lights in my face. It was hard to see and i had to close my eyes that way I wouldn't get blinded. "Cassandra? Are you awake? I'm going to need you to say something is you can hear me?" All that came out was a low groan followed by a cough. "I........ where?....." I started. "Shhhhh, it's okay, you're okay now. Rest child."

The only thoughts that ran through my head were confusion and pain. I tried to look again and adjust my eyes, and luckily, it worked. I saw stone floors and torches hanging from the walls. This did not look like anything from the village yet it felt oddly familiar. A thought passed through my head that I wanted to deny so badly. Yet, in my shattered heart, I knew was true.

Tears gathered up in my eyes and I began a slow whimper. It couldn't be, but how, after all this time? Part of me wanted to die right here right now. "W-where-where am I?" I stuttered, not sure if I wanted to hear the answer. "Cassandra don't you remember? Have you lost your head?" She said. "Where am I?" Again, I demanded. "Are you sure you don't know? Maybe I should get the doctor..." She responded. "Where am I!" I said, loudly this time.

"Cassandra, the orphanage of course. Where else?" The tears started coming down hard now, and outside I could here the rain that reflected my mood. Depressed, that is the one word to describe an orphan. Lonely, longing for a family. Angered, wanting to destroy. And desperate, willing for adventure. The things you never had are the things you cherish the most. That is what an orphan is, meaningless. I always knew deep down miracle wasn't a word.

And so, my dreams seemed correct.

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