Chapter Ten

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Virgil woke up cuddled into Patton and Roman, a content smile on his face. He was on one side of Patton and Roman was on the other.

It had been a few months since having dinner with Remy and his soulmates. They had integrated into Virgil's normal life and they talked with them often. He had become particularly close with Remy and Emile.

His relationship with his fiances was going amazing. They had gotten a bit farther in wedding planning, such as who would be invited and what everyone would do. Virgil had somehow fallen deeper in love as time went on and he was so excited for his future.

Yet despite all of those good things that were going on he couldn't stop the building feeling that something was missing.

The void he felt inside had returned but it was a lot weaker now. He sighed and slowly and quietly got up, as not to disturb the others, and he moved to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast.

Patton wasn't working at the bakery today and it wasn't a weekday so they could all spend the day together. They were planning on having a TV Show Marathon, particularly cartoons.

He got the pancake mix out and started to follow the instructions before he went to get the bacon out of the freezer. By the time he was almost done frying the bacon and cooking the pancakes he could hear shuffling up stairs and he assumed it was the other two getting ready. He heard somebody's footsteps coming down and from the heaviness he assumed that it was Patton's.

He was proven right when he felt Patton's arms wrap around his waist.

"Morning Angel," Patton said into his ear, sounding content. Virgil smiled at the feeling of the vibrations of Patton's voice on his neck.

"Hey Pat. I'm chill with you hugging me but I need you to move so I can put the last pancakes on the plate, I can't really do that with you holding onto me.

Patton chuckled. "Fine, but you'll have to cuddle with me later." He then let go and started to make hot cocoa for himself and coffee for Roman. Virgil finished cooking and put the food on the table just in time for Roman to come down stairs. He was the only one to look somewhat presentable as he had his hair done.

Virgil smirked when he saw him. "See you already took the time to pamper yourself Princey."

Roman smirked back, "Well you know, a prince has got to slay."

Virgil rolled his eyes affectionately.

"Come on you two. We have food to eat" Virgil walked to his seat at the table, Roman trailing behind him.

They got the food on their plates and began to eat. A silence fell upon them. And while this silence was like some of the other ones they experienced, this one just exemplified the missing feeling Virgil felt.

When they were done eating, they prepared for their day off. Roman cleaned up the mess from breakfast, with help from Patton. Virgil, having gotten a pass from cleaning as he had made the food, got the blankets from the bedrooms and closets and put them into the living room. He put a blanket over the seats and on the back of the couch. He put the extra on the floor in front of it. He then sat down and pulled out his phone as he decided to scroll through Tumblr while waiting for the other two. They soon arrived and joined Virgil on the couch. After a bit of bickering, they eventually settled on rewatching Moana. Virgil pulled it up on Netflix and they watched it happily, pulling each other into a cuddle pile.

Once the movie finished they put on Steven Universe and made some lunch after a few episodes.

However before they continued the binge Roman stopped them. "I really should talk to you guys."

Virgil grew concerned and a look of that and confusion spread across his face. He shared a look with Patton who had a similar expression on his face.

"What's the matter dear?" Patton said, trying to sound gentle. Virgil nodded prompting Roman to go.

"I love you both with my entire being. You are the loves of my life and I adore you all the time. But lately..." He paused for a second, trying to find the words. He then sighed. "I've felt like something wasn't all there, like the void I felt before I met you has come back but it is so much weaker now, but still present. Not that you don't fill my heart with joy-"

"Ro.." Virgil said trying to get him to stop.

"Again you light up my life so much and I cherish what we have-"

"Roman please stop,"

"I love you so so much-"

"Roman dearie"

"I'm sorry I'm-"

Virgil cut him off by kissing him, the other happily kissing him back. They pulled apart for air. Virgil grabbed his hand. "You're right, it's a great way to get someone to listen."

Roman gave him a surprised look. He looked over and saw Patton didn't seem mad or judgemental either, in fact he seemed relieved.

"You guys aren't mad at me? You don't think I'm selfish?" Roman said, a happy but a little bit shocked expression on his face.

"Hey you weren't mad at me or called me greedy when I said I loved Patton as well as you, why would I do that to you?" Virgil squeezed his hand.

"And you didn't yell at me when I said I loved you both." Patton reached over and grabbed Roman's other hand.

"And if I'm being honest," Virgil voice went a bit quieter, "I also have been having a similar feeling, and I honestly have been scared as well."

"I have the same feeling," Patton spoke up quietly, "Not that I don't love you both, but I...this doesn't feel...complete, I guess."

"The last time I've felt something like this, it was when we were about to meet Patton. Maybe there's someone else out there?" Virge suggested.

The other two thought about this. "I could see that. Maybe we should keep our eyes open for someone else who catches our eye." Roman's smile grew brighter and much more like his typical confident one, instead of the more subdued one he had during this conversation.

Patton nodded. "I agree. This is very exciting, if there is someone else I wonder who it could be?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure he will be delightful to be around, he would be perfect for us." Roman said dreamly.

Virgil smirked at them affectionately, "It's weird being on this side of the conversation."

The other two nodded in agreement. Their whole lives had been spent being on the sidelines of conversations about what one's soulmates could be like as they didn't think they ever get to be in one. Now they had a mark and an idea that there may be another one and it felt different than expected. Not in a bad way, it just felt a lot more exciting and promising than Virgil ever thought it would.

After the conversation wrapped up they finished their day together in comfort, wrapped around each other, each still buzzing a little from the conversation.

And that night, when they all went to bed, all of them had a bit more hope for the future in their heart.

Coffee, Pastries, And Honesty- A LAMP Sanders FicWhere stories live. Discover now