Chapter One

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Summary: Virgil meets someone interesting.

Virgil sat at the coffee shop called "Caffeine Dream"  where he would usually have a drink and take advantage of the different number of people there. He had found that watching the world around him could help give him inspiration for new stories. But today, nothing was coming to him.

After being there for a bit a waitress came up to him with another Caramel Frappe. He looked at her confused. "I'm sorry miss, I don't mean to be rude but I didn't order this. I think you have the wrong table."

The waitress smiled at him. "The man over there bought this for you. He told me to make another of whatever you ordered and give it to you." She turned to walk away but she looked back for a moment. "He's really cute too, if I didn't have a soulmate myself I would have to ask him out." She chuckled and walked away.

Virgil rolled his eyes but looked over and saw a dashing young man looking at him with a smile on his face. Virgil smirked back, amused by this, then wrote it down on a blank google doc, just in case it gave him an idea later.

He looked up and saw the same smiling man now standing by the other side of the table.  The man looked a bit shorter than Virgil (which put him on the short side) and he had chestnut brown hair. He was wearing a red jacket over a plain white shirt, and some typical blue jeans and converse the same shade of red as his jacket.  All in all, the guy was cute and Virgil couldn't help but find him even more attractive at this closer angle

When Virgil finally acknowledged him, the mystery man spoke. "Hey, I'm Roman, and is this seat taken?"

Virgil gave him a slightly amused look. "Virgil. And be my guest, sit down."

Virgil wasn't usually so inviting to strangers, but something was different about Roman. It wasn't love. No, it was a connection, one that made Virgil want to open up, made him want to get to know this Roman character. Because he may not love him, but he was intrigued.

Roman sat down across from him. "So Virgil, I must say you are quite cute. And I was wondering if you were single?"

Virgle chuckled. "Single? I haven't even been asked out before. You are something, Roman."

Roman blushed and Virgil couldn't help but think the sight was adorable.

Roman smiled at him but his ego seemed to tone down a bit. "Thanks? And I get it if you're not interested or if you have found your soulmate, but you are really attractive."

Virgil genuinely smiled at him. "It was a compliment. And I happen to be single and without a soulmate, but I could maybe try something with a cute guy."

Roman lit up like a Christmas Tree, but he tried to play it cool. "Really now? That would be great.  So should I give you my number?"

Virgil chuckled. "Sure, and I'll give you mine." They exchanged numbers, both blushing when their fingers brushed each other's when they exchanged phones.

They said their goodbyes and Roman took his leave while Virgil smiled in excitement for the future. He turned to his laptop, inspiration striking him.

Coffee, Pastries, And Honesty- A LAMP Sanders FicWhere stories live. Discover now