Chapter Four

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Summary: They meet Patton and that's a whole new experience.


Their soulmarks became a research project for a little while.

Unsurprisingly, there was very little information on cases like theirs, but while going through cases they found an organization that specialized in soulmark anomalies.

The organization was dedicated to spreading awareness about the different ways love could appear and how all types were valid. They also provided support to people who were hurt by the judgment people faced by not having soulmarks. This meant plenty of people who understood, at least a little, what they were going through.

It turned out that occasionally when two soulmates who were born without marks met and fell in love and accepted that love, a mark would appear and showcase the love they feel.

They smiled at this info, gripping each other's hands and smiling at each other as the information made them giddy.

After that, life continued on for Virgil and Roman at a rapid pace. The weeks turned into months, which turned into a year, and the couple had moved in together in a two bedroom apartment a little bit away from the city.

Virgil had never been better, mentally and physically. Roman helped him care about himself and he knew that he did the same for him. The two were in love and both have never been better.

Well almost.

After being together for two years, there was still a bit of void in Virgil's heart.

Now don't get him wrong; the void had been filled so much since Roman came into his life, but he couldn't help but feel that something was missing.

But what could he do? Virgil was scared to talk to Roman about this and risk him thinking that Virgil didn't absolutely adore him because it was quite the opposite.

So he ignored it, as he did with many emotions, scared of the repercussions.

But it all came to a head when they met the baker.


It started when Virgil and Roman were discussing how to spend their Sunday together. It had been a long week for them both and both had different ideas. Roman wanted to do something new as he loved "exploring" (as he put). Virgil, however, seemed more content to just relax with his boyfriend, since Roman had been busy grading final exams and the school year was finally over (though Roman would start the acting camp he runs soon).

Eventually, they compromised and decided to try a bakery/coffee shop that was close by. It was a new experience, which made Roman happy, but reviews said that the atmosphere was very relaxed and calm, which made Virgil happy. Virgil also agreed pretty quickly, as he had a pretty big sweet tooth, though he would never admit it to anyone other than Roman.

They drove to the downtown area and parked nearby. They walked the short walk and saw that they came just in time before the bakery closed for the day. They went inside and observed the scenery around them.

Its color scheme was a soft baby blue with pastel blue curtains around the windows. There were also topaz hearts strewn around the walls as well as a few mirrors. On the right side, there was a bookshelf with a sign above it that said, "Take A Look In A Book! Ask A Cashier About How You Can Borrow Or Exchange A Book When You Order Your Coffee!" that also had a cartoonish drawing of a cat and a dog reading books together above. Beside the shelf was a comfy chair and a nice blue rug. Down the center, there was an aisle that led to a front counter where you could see some of the baked goods. On the wall above the cash register, the words "Donut Forget To Smile" was painted in giant letters.

The shop had an almost homey feel to it. As they took in the scenery, they laid their eyes on the man who seemed to be working with some of the food left from the day.

He was a little bit taller than both of them, with light brown hair, glasses, and freckles all over his face and arms. He was broad shouldered and was bigger than the other two but not what one would call huge. He wore a light blue polo with the bakery logo on it and had on tan capris. He wore black shoes and had a white apron on. He also had on glasses with a thick pair of black frames.

All in all, this design was cute but the man was even cuter. Though Virgil repressed the latter part of the thought real quick.

Roman cleared his throat to get his attention and the man quickly turned to face them, a blush crossing his cheeks in embarrassment.

"Oh, sorry about that. I didn't hear you come in and I wasn't expecting customers so late, especially on a Sunday."

He moved up to the register as the couple did the same on the opposite side of the counter.

"Hi! Welcome to 'Mind Palace Pastries!' My name is Patton and is there anything I can get you?"

"Hello Patton, and I am not yet sure. We've never been here before.  Any recommendations?" Roman said with the smile that many considered charming. He loved to flirt, and since Virgil didn't mind he would do it often.

Patton smiled back with one that was genuine and almost looked excited.

"Oh, you should have said! We have some types of coffee and a few specialty drinks which are written on the small chalkboard on the wall to my left. As for baked goods, do you guys have any allergies or things like that, because we have food for everyone?"

Virgil couldn't help but smile and who could blame him? This guy was so positive to a point where on almost anyone else it would seem fake, but with him, it came across as genuine and endearing.

"I actually have a peanut and treenut allergy," Virgil said. He was actually allergic to more than that but he wasn't concerned about shellfish or pollen at a bakery.

Patton's eyes went wide. "Oh, I have great news for you!" He walked over to the far left of the display case. "This section has entirely allergen-free baked goods if your allergy is super severe. If it's not that severe, most things you'll be fine with. On the far right, there are things with tree nuts and peanuts but there separate from everything else."

Virgil looked at him in shock, very few people put that much effort into keeping things allergen free, yet Patton seemed to go the extra mile. Virgil smiled a genuine smile at him.
"That's incredible! How much effort did you put into this?"

Patton smiled shyly and blushed a bit. "Oh, it's no problem.  My brother was allergic to peanuts, so my parents were always trying to find places where they didn't have to worry about it, especially with baked goods. That's one of the reasons my aunt made this bakery the way it is, allergies on one side, things that are nut free in the middle, and no allergens on this side."

The couple listened to this, absolutely enthralled by what he was saying. Roman was first to talk after he was done. "So this was your Aunt's business?"

Patton nodded his head rapidly. "Yep! It still technically is, but I started running it after she retired. And when she passes away it's gonna be mine, mostly 'cause I'm the only one who is interested in running it."

The two nodded and finally made a selection, realizing the bakery should be closed by now.

The goods were delicious and the two left with a sweet taste in their mouth, and all parted with a good few butterflies in their stomach.

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