Chapter Eleven

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Virgil and Roman were in Patton's bakery. Virgil was hoping the change of scenery could inspire him, and Roman was there because he enjoyed helping out when he could. Patton needed help lifting materials into the shop, and Roman was surprisingly strong, hence why he was in the back. Patton was behind the counter, brewing a batch of coffee.

The door to the bakery opened and Virgil looked up. His breath caught in his throat when he saw one of the most attractive people he's ever seen.

He had on a pair of glasses similar to Patton's. His hair was a dark blue in the front that complimented the natural medium brown of the little bit of natural color he has left. He was a good bit shorter than him and Roman, and if he gave a guess he'd say maybe a few inches above 5-foot-3. He had on jeans, a black shirt, and a blue tie, and he had an all around nerd look to him.

Virgil knew the feeling in his chest this time - he'd felt something similar twice before - it was so similar to the feeling he got when he met Roman and Patton for the first time. The man looked around and caught Virgil staring, prompting the darkly dressed one to blush and look away, though he swore he could see the stranger blush slightly as well. Logan stepped to the counter where Patton was also looking at the stranger in awe. He quickly recovered and put on his most inviting smile. "Hello sir, welcome to 'Mind Palace Bakery.' What can I get you?"

The man looked at the options on the flyer with all the drinks and at all the baked goods. "Could I please get a regular coffee with sweetener instead of sugar as well as a chocolate muffin?" His voice sounded formal and intelligent, though not snobbish by any extent.

"Of course! Will that be all?" The man nodded at that and Patton gave him his total, Logan paid and before he sat down Patton asked, "What is the name for the order?"


Logan. So that was the stranger's name. Logan sat down at the table next to his, pulling a laptop out of his bag. Virgil tried to focus on his word document but couldn't think about anything else, so he channeled the emotions that he was feeling and he typed it out, one part of it to see if it could be used to create something for his characters later on and partly so he could better comprehend them.

By the time he looked up again, Patton had moved to the back but Roman was now in the front helping a customer. Logan was still sitting at the table, typing away, a nearly empty glass sitting next to his laptop. When Patton came back out releasing Roman from his spot, Roman came over to him.

:"Do you feel it too?" Virgil knew what he meant instantly.

"Yeah, I do. I wonder if he feels it, maybe he's why we've felt weird recently."

Roman smiled at that answer. "I might go talk to him. You think I can do it?"

Virgil affectionately rolled his eyes. "Leave it to you to flirt with him, and you have my permission Mr. Romance. See if he's interested at the very least. But I'd ask Patton, make sure he's comfortable with it."

Roman nodded, "I already did and he's fine. Now let's hope that I still have some charm in me." Virgil smiled and nodded and watched as Roman went up to the table. The man had put his laptop away but he seemed in no rush to leave his spot. Virgil listened in, curious of what would happen.

Roman walked over to the man. "Hello there, I couldn't help but notice you sitting there. You are one of the most attractive people I've seen and I'd like to know if you would want to get to know each other sometime? Only if your interested obviously, I won't be insulted if your not into me, guys, or have a soulmate."

The man gave a small polite smile. "Hello, thank you for stating I'm attractive. However, I have no mark and that means that we are likely not soulmates." Virgil was a bit surprised by how bluntly he said that, it was rare to find someone who was markless who said it so openly or didn't try to hide it. Even Patton didn't tell them until he knew them well, and even then he seemed terrified while saying.

Yet Logan didn't even bat an eye while saying it, it was as if it was something he said everyday, like it was just a casual thing about him like his hair color or his name.

Then again, the fact he was so blunt just drew Virgil in more.

Roman smiled. "Oh well I don't mind that. I didn't have one until I met both of mine. i just feel a bit of a connection with you too. Again if you don't feel anything I won't be mad, just wanted to talk to you."

Logan looked at him in confusion and a bit of shock, though you could tell that he was trying to hide that under a neutral expression. "Sure, sit down if you please."

Roman nodded in acknowledgement and sat down across from him. He held out his hand. "Roman."

Logan stared at his hand for a moment, more particularly his soulmark showing on his wrist. He then realized he was staring and quickly put his hand in Roman's to shake it. "Logan, Logan Smith."

"Nice to meet you," Roman said as he put his hand down.

Logan nodded in agreement. "So you said you had soulmates? I'm sure you meant to say soulmate-"

"I have two of them actually, Virgil and Patton. Patton owns this place actually and Virgil is the one over there who is listening in on this conversation." Logan turned around to look at him.

Virgil blushed at being called out. He gave a small wave. "Hey." He said quietly. Roman rolled his eyes and Virgil couldn't quite figure out what Logan was feeling. He just gave Virgil one of his slightly confused and slightly concerned looks.

"Hello there," Logan responded and turned back around. "So you all have matching marks? You all know that that's a very unusual circumstance."

Roman looked amused. "I assure you I know, even more rare is that we were all born without and they just showed up when we fell in love. Now we're engaged, funny how life turns out."

Logan looked amazed and he nodded in response. "Well that's interesting." Though something in his tone conveyed that he wasn't fully convinced

Roman nodded. Yep." Roman looked in his eyes and excited smile on his face. "What about you Logan, anything we should know about you?"

Logan looked down, "Oh nothing really to me, your life must be much more interesting, having a soulmark story like that." He said passively, if you could call it that. It wasn't cold exactly as that would imply that it was sad in a way to insult but it was said with a such a lack of emotion for one's own life.

Somehow Roman still found a way to respond and keep the topic on Logan. "Nonsense! We all have our own tales, you can just say anything about your life if you would like to."

Logan smiled shyly. "Well I'm an Astronomy teacher for high school, specifically for honors classes but I teach a few general ed ones as well. I moved here recently and I'm going to start at the local school this coming school year."

Roman smiled at this, "Really? That is incredibly interesting, especially since I'm a teacher myself! I teach English and Theater."

Logan looked slightly surprised. "Oh well, that is intriguing. I did not expect that from you."

Roman chuckles, " Most are-"

Before Roman could continue he was interrupted by Logan "You are interesting Roman, but I realized that I have to leave. Would you be fine if I gave you my number so that I could get acquainted with you and your fiances?"

Roman nodded happily. "Of course! It would be my pleasure." They exchanged numbers and Logan took his leave. Ro walked over to Virgil. "I say that went great!"

Virgil rolled his eyes affectionately. "It did, thank god. But there was no need to call me out like that."

Roman gripped his hands. "But my love I need to say that we are together when I can, and it just so happened you were staring at me." Roman smirked as he finished.

Virgil gave him an affectionate glare. "Shut up Romeo."

Roman kissed his cheek. "You know you love me."

Virgil grabbed his other arm and had Roman help pull him up. As he put his computer up he spoke to Roman. "Come on, let's go help Patton close up." Roman nodded and the two slipped back, not knowing of the short man in glasses resting against the building down the street, trying to catch his breath.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed! I'm excited to see what y'all think!!

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