Chapter Twelve

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It had been nearly two years since Logan joined their relationship. And though slow they all had grown quite close and if you asked Virgil he knew that they were all in love. Even if it hadn't been said by or to Logan.

It was an unspoken thing, and while hearing the words would be nice they all knew that emotions were hard for Logan, especially ones he wasn't used to, so they were patient.

Though tonight they were going to ask him to move in.

Virgil was worried about this to say the least. Scared that it would all be a disaster or go so badly that they would somehow end up breaking up.

Roman reassured him though, so Virgil took this with a bit of confidence.

In their relationship Logan hadn't opened up as much as they had wanted him to, he merely hinted at things such as not talking to his parents and not having any family that he had any form of communication with. There was a bit of pain when his mother was mentioned but they weren't going to force him to talk about it. That was something that had to be revealed in its own time.
Virgil could tell that when Logan arrived that he picked up on their nerves, so Virgil tried to be calm. Before they could even start to speak Logan yelled out

"I understand why you asked me over!"

They looked at him in shock. "You do?" Prompted Patton.

Logan nodded. "It is very obvious though I am upset about this I understand that why you would want to let me out of this relationship." He looked down and sighed.

All of a sudden, Patton moved quickly and pulled him into a hug. "No, Lo that's not what we want at all. I care about you so much and I want to be with you. We were going to ask you to move in with us."

Logan looked at them, flabbergasted. "B-but I still don't have a mark, you all are soulmates and I'm not."

Virgil shrugged, "And I moved in with Roman before our marks showed up and Patton started living with us before we asked him out. Our marks didn't just appear one day, it happened after we were in love."

"But it has been more than two years and we have not moved in together, is that not that slow for you guys?"

Roman shakes his head, "One could make the argument that we moved too fast. There isn't a timer on a relationship, we can move at whatever pace you like. If you aren't ready to move in we get it, we can do this at your pace."

Logan shook his head. "I do not understand and I do not think you do either." Logan stood up and started pacing. "You basically put your lives on pause for a bit. You still haven't gotten married and you got engaged before I even met you. You are moving at my pace but data suggest you would want to move so much faster, as you did with each other." He paused for a moment. "So, why am I different?"

"Because your not us, love." Patton answered instantly. "What I mean is that every relationship is different and it'd be unfair to you if we expected you to act the way that we did when we got together."

"But is it not wrong of me to be scared?" He instantly covered his mouth. "Forget I said anything."

Virgil interjected, "No I think we might need to address that. Lo, are you scared of us? Do you think that we'll hurt you if you disagree?"

Logan shakes his head. "No. It's not that, I'm not scared of you hurting me physically. It's more of...I wasn't ever expecting to love or to feel emotions like this, so I am just 'scared' of what I feel for you all, and I didn't have the best upbringing, especially on the emotional front. So now that I feel something so intense I don't know what to do and I'm scared that if I feel this more than you guys do you won't want me anymore."

"Logan." Roman got up and softly grabbed his hand. "We aren't going to just up and leave 'cause you're confused, but you need to open up to us at some point. Relationships work on communication and you need to tell us how you feel. You don't need to tell us things that you aren't ready to share, but you need to be honest with us on things such as feelings, regardless of how you feel about them.Because we'll respect it no matter what, that's what partners do."

"So Logan," Virgil started grabbing his other hand, standing beside Roman. Patton followed behind, standing behind them both. He spoke softly and with as much empathy as he could.

"How do you feel?"

Logan broke down in front of them and pulled them into a hug, surprising them all.

"I want you, I want this and I..." He looked up at them all, looking more vulnerable than Virgil had ever seen him. "I love you guys so much and I do not know what I should do."

"Accept that we love you too." Patton patted him on the back comfortingly.

Logan gave them a small but slightly happy smile. "I can try that."

And with that, all four of them felt a nice burning on their wrist, and the heart now had dark blue in it.

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