Chapter Five

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Six months passed, but now Virgil's life had a little extra spunk in it. Particularly because of the warm hearted baker named Patton.

The couple became regulars at his bakery and had actually befriended him. The two had learned much about him.

Such as that he went to culinary school, but he specialized in pastries. He has two moms, one brother, and two sisters, including a twin sister named Petunia. He runs the bakery and manages the other employees there, and he will inherit it from his Aunt when she passes.

They also learned that he had a boyfriend.

Virgil wasn't sure why that fact made him feel disappointed. They met his S/O, John, and he was super nice and treated Patton really well, plus they seemed happy together.

It took a couple months after meeting his partner for Virgil to realize and accept that he did in fact have feelings for Patton.

He loved Roman with every fiber of his being, he not only brought him so much joy, he helped encourage him to be better.

But yet he had started to crush on Patton, falling for his genuine but bright smiles, and the way he intended to make everyone feel special and important, and like everything you said was the most interesting thing in the world.

He felt wrong for this, incredibly wrong. To the point that as days went by the complicated emotions built in him more and more until he broke down. And sadly, or thankfully, in front of Roman.

They were sitting on the couch watching Frozen when they got to the part about "True Love"

For some reason this caused Virgil to start to cry.

"What's wrong love, what's the cause for the cry?"

"I-I love you," Virgil whispered.

Roman looked at him in surprise.

"I love you too, angel. What's hurting you?"

Virgil looked at him, tears in his eyes. "I love you, more than anything else, but I also really care about Patton. To a point I might think I'm falling for him. I feel...a connection. Similarly to the connection, I felt when I first met you." He sighed, "Before meeting you, I felt a void, I guess, inside. But when I met you, I felt it being filled, but it never went away completely, but when I'm with Patton it feels less empty. But I still love you." He then realizes that Roman hasn't said anything,. "And I get it if your mad and want to break this off-"


"-or if you think I'm broken!-"



Roman, once again, cut him off by kissing him.

Virgil kissed back with just as much passion. Roman pulled away and gave him a small smile. "Seems like an effective way to get you to listen." Roman chuckles.

Virgil looked at him in awe.

Roman hugged him. "Virgil, I love you too, and I also feel it, with Patton I mean. I was scared to tell you because one of the worse things that could happen to me is losing you. I cherish you."

Virgil nodded. "What does this mean?"

Roman sighed, "I don't know. But I'm sure we'll figure it out." He kissed his forehead and then smiled at him. "We always do, but for now, let's try to relax. Want to change the movie?"

Virgil smiled and nodded, content for the moment.

Coffee, Pastries, And Honesty- A LAMP Sanders FicWhere stories live. Discover now