Chapter Eight

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Virgil sat behind the counter in Patton's bakery and casually watched the people walk by .

He would occasionally work at Patton's shop, particularly if it was understaffed, such as today.

It was almost closing time and he was looking forward to being able to wrap things up and be able to go home with Patton and catch up with Roman on how his day was. It was the first drama practice of the year and he was dying to hear what Roman thought of the kids who were joining.

Things had been great since Patton's soulmark showed up. It had almost been two years since then. They move into a house that was still somewhat close to Patton's bakery and Roman's school, but was still far enough from the city that it was much quieter. It had 3 bedrooms, a driveway, and a nice backyard. This came after Roman proposed to the both of them and they spoke to each other about what they wanted after they got married. Children was definitely on the list. So they moved to a house before getting married as they felt that their savings would be better spent there. Plus they were still trying to plan things out and the wedding process was taking longer than expected.

He was taken out of his however when he heard the ringing sound the door made. He looked up and saw a man about his age walk in. He was wearing sunglasses and had a leather jacket on as well as black skinny jeans and a light gray shirt.

"Sorry to catch y'all just when your closing, but I really need some coffee and baked goods. Assuming you guys have that?"

Virgil nodded and put on his best cashier voice. "We do sir, what can I get you?"

The man looked at the pastries left and choose most of them. "Can I also get a Hot Cocoa and a caramel flavored coffee."

Virgil nodded, "Anything else?"

The man nodded "No fam."

Virgil put his order in and gave him his total. The pulled out some cash and paid for his things.

"Can I get a name for the order?"


Virgil wrote it down on one of the cups and handed the box of goods to Remy. He then started making the drinks.

"Nice place you got here? How long have you been working here?" Remy said looking around.

Virgil shook his head, "I don't really work here." Remy gave him a confused look.

"I mean that my fiance owns the place. I just help out when he needs me to. I'm really a writer and I sometimes teach writing seminars." Virgil put his drinks on the counter.

"Ah so your a baker's soulmate? Nice nice." He said as he grabbed his drinks. "I personally am the only one who can cook in my house, can't bake for a thing though." He smiles. "Thankfully one of my soulmates can make most things, though he has to read the instructions word for word."

Virgil's eyes widened. "Soulmates?"

Remy must have taken it the wrong way. "You gotta a problem with that?"

Virgil's face turned to one that was horrified. "No! No! I was just surprised 'cause I have two soulmates as well and it's not everyday you meet another person that has more than one soulmate. I was just surprised."

Remy smirks, "So you got more than one soulmate yourself? Oh that's nice to know fam! So one's a baker what's the other one?"

Virgil smiled fondly, "Gay."

Remy snickers and Virgil smirks back. "What? You asked me what he was." Remy gives him a look.

"Fine, he's a English and Theater teacher at a local high school. Now tell me what you do?"

Coffee, Pastries, And Honesty- A LAMP Sanders FicWhere stories live. Discover now