Before I Went Under

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A/N: This story will contain both Derek and Stiles’ POVs during what happened with the kidnapping scenes. Stiles’ POV will be after he has been rescued and Derek’s POV will be before and after he found Stiles tied up. So, prepare some tissues, ‘kay? I'll be adding the killing Kate scene thru flashbacks...


Stiles opened his eyes and all he could see was darkness. He could hear people shouting outside, some gun shots and wolves howling. Hope bloomed in him but he could also feel himself slipping away. He could feel pain on the side of his head and in his stomach, he could feel the blood seeping through his shirt. Derek came to rescue him.

And then, the steel doors slid open, loud footsteps went towards him and darkness engulfed him once more.


We found them. I’ve already contacted the Sheriff’s Department.

Lydia texted the young Alpha and Derek sent a quick ‘Thanks’ in reply. She also sent him other details regarding where Stiles was currently being held captive.

Derek knew the place, it was at the abandoned distillery where he used to meet with Paige. He also knew that there was an underground cellar beneath it and he growled at the thought of Kate keeping Stiles in such a filthy place. It made his blood boil at the thought of Stiles being hurt by the woman who betrayed him.

I’m going to save you, Stiles!


I remember my Dad telling me how special I was and my Mom telling me that someday, I'll find someone who will love me unconditionally.

It's funny because at such a young age, I distinctly remember meeting that person. I think I was 7 years old, I was going on an adventure in the preserve while my Mom prepared our picnic table. I remember meeting a boy with soft black hair and beautiful magic eyes. I remember him picking me up and telling me that I should get to my Mom immediately. After that, I saw him whenever we went to the preserve. I followed him around like a little duckling, he would growl and frown but he would never ever get angry.

And then I met Derek Hale and he reminded me of that boy, with his soft black hair and beautiful magic eyes. He would growl and frown whenever I did something wrong but he would never ever get angry... was it possible that Derek and that boy are the same person? I would like to think so...

"Stiles? I need you to open your eyes for me, baby... please..."

That boy is calling me. He's calling for me but I can't open my eyes. I can't do it anymore.


Derek and the rest of his family arrived at the abandoned distillery. The Sheriff's Department surrounded the area, Laura was in her wolf form and a whine escape from her throat the moment she saw Derek. She nuzzled her brother's neck as an apology, to which Derek quickly brushed off.

Derek could smell at least ten scents in the distillery, including Stiles and blood, a lot of it.

He growled and shifted in to his Beta form and said, "I'm going to kill her!"


"I can't lose him!"

"Sir, you have to calm down!"

"Deep lacerations on the chest... patient is concussed due to multiple head wounds..."

"Stiles, please wake up..."

Stiles laid on the hospital bed unmoving. The steady beeping of the monitor made Derek frown deeply. His Omega smelled so wrong, the scent of pain and medicine engulfed Derek's senses and it's making him impatient.

It's only been a day since they got Stiles out of that place and the memories were still too fresh. He found his Mate tied up, battered, bruised and left to bleed to death... if Derek had come any later then he wasn't really sure how he'll face Alec.

Truth be told, it was a miracle that Stiles made it. The whole Hale family and their friends were outside Stiles' room and Derek thinks its their prayers that brought Stiles back. Derek was very thankful for that but he won't be settled until Stiles was awake.


"Stiles, baby, please wake up..."

The boy kept on calling out to me but for some reason, I can't move... no matter how much I try, I can't. I want to hug him and tell him that everything will be okay and that he doesn't have to worry about anything anymore but I couldn't.

I'm so tired...


"Derek, sweety, you should rest." Talia came into the room and said to Derek, who had been by Stiles' side for hours now.

"I-I can't... not until he wakes up, Mom..." Derek said as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Talia sighed and said, "Sweety, you should at least check on Alec... Laura said he's been crying for his Daddy and Papa."

The young Alpha looked up, eyes glassy and red. He nodded in response, "Fuck... Alec... I-I should go to him..."

"You'll be the first to call if anything happens, okay?" She reassured him as he stood up from the lazy-boy.


Boyd drove Derek to the old Hale house. The Beta told him that he shouldn't be driving in his current condition and that he should at least rest for a while.

When they got to the house, Derek found Alec throwing temper tantrums and kept asking for his Daddy and Papa. Laura, who was consoling the pup, looked like she wanted to carry the boy to the hospital. Kira and Isaac were also trying to stop the boy from crying but failed miserably so.

"Alec, pup... come here." Derek said and Alec turned around, stopped crying and ran towards Derek shouting, "Papa! Papa!"

Alec ran into Derek's open arms and buried his face into the man's neck, "Papa... where's Daddy?"

"Hush now, pup... Daddy will be home soon. He's... something really bad happened a-and... Pup, Daddy is going to be alright, okay? I'll take you to him tomorrow... I promise." Derek said hesitantly as he wrapped his arms around their pup tightly. In return, Alec wrapped his small arms around his Papa's neck and nodded.


"What did you do to him, Kate?!" Derek snarled at the blonde who was breathing heavily on the ground. Derek had caught her by surprise by getting Peter to distract her. He bent down, grabbed her neck and lifted her up in the air. She choked and coughed for air as Derek tightened his grip around her neck, "What did you to him?!"

"H-He's probably d-dead b-by n-now..." She coughed as Derek growled and gripped tighter, his claws almost puncturing the side of her neck.

"Wrong answer." Derek snarled as he snapped her neck, his claws ran deep into her throat.

Derek shook off the thoughts of Kate from his mind and focused on Alec breathing on top of him. They were in Stiles' room, which was coincidentally, Derek's old room when he was younger.

Alec cried himself to sleep on top of his Papa and Derek breathed easy now that the boy knew what happened to his Daddy.

His body was so tired. His eyelids heavy with sleep. Alec was a comforting weight on top of him, like he has an anchor to reality and that Stiles might wake up tomorrow.


A/N: Stiles is out of danger and all he needs now is time. I wouldn't be continuing this story if it hadn't been for you guys, so, thank you very very much. 

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