However Long it Takes

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A/N: Wow, this story is #407 in the Werewolf Category and I'm sooooooo happy and thankful to you guys! I never thought that people would actually read what I write and post but you guys are aawesome. Enjoy reading, guys! :) Oh, by the way, I made Peter a bit OOC here.



It has been exactly one week and Stiles hasn't woken up. One week of telling Alec that his Daddy will wake up soon. One week of agonizing pain just from seeing his Mate lying on a hospital bed. One week on telling myself that everything will be alright... but what if it won't?

I stare at Stiles' motionless body and I couldn't help but feel so angry at myself. If I weren't so adamant on keeping my past from him, this wouldn't have happened. Everything would've been the same and he'd be here talking my ears off and being beautiful and healthy... not like this. I should've been honest with him. I should've just told him what happened---


"Stiles!?" I immediately rushed to his side and checked for any signs of movement, then Stiles' head turned again.



I groaned once more and tried to move. I could hear Derek's voice and I have to wake up. He needs me and I need him. I need to wake up now and tell him how much I love him.

"Mr. Stilinski? Can you hear me?"

Someone asked and I tried to open my eyes, I could see someone looking down on me. I opened my eyes wider and I saw a man in a white coat hovering over me, like he needed something, some reassurance or whatever.

"D-Derek..." I managed to say before I coughed and asked for water.

"Stiles... baby, you're awake... Fuck! I'm so happy!" Derek came into view and the tears just rushed down as he wrapped me in his arms.


"I'm so glad you're finally awake, baby..." Derek said as he held Stiles' hand in his. They were waiting for the others to arrive. Stiles specifically asked them to bring Alec because he couldn't bear the thought of leaving his baby boy in the dark.

Stiles smiled weakly and said, "I couldn't bear to leave you alone..."

The Alpha stared into those beautiful whiskey-colored eyes and leaned in closer to kiss those lips that he had been dreaming of ever since he first met the Omega. It wasn't fast-paced or the 'I-want-you-naked' type of kiss, no... it was gentle, chaste, like they have made a promise with each other secretly.

"God, I missed you so much... You have no idea how angry I was at myself. If I had been more honest with you then this shouldn't have happened to you, Stiles..." Derek muttered as he tried to stop the tears from falling and Stiles reached out his hand and gently caressed his Alpha's tear-stained cheeks, "Derek, you're not trying to make me break up with you, are you? Because if you are, then you're doing it horribly."

Stiles sighed and added, "You're my Alpha, I'm your Omega, even though we haven't Claimed each other yet... what I'm saying is that no matter what you do, I will be forever be devoted to you. I don't care about who you date in the past, I just want a future with you."

But before Derek could say more, the door opened and someone said, probably Peter, "Oops, did I interrupt an on-going proposal?" (Yep, definitely Peter.)

Stiles tilted his head to the side in confusion, "Uh... y-you are?"

"Oh, where are my manners? Peter Hale, Derek's most dashing Uncle and you must be Stiles, my gods, you look more beautiful awake, it's very nice to meet you." Peter strided towards Stiles' bed and reached out to shake the young man's hand, which Stiles did hesitantly.

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