Love Me Like You Do Part 1

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A/N: Oooookay, wow, this is kind of overwhelming. From #407 to #250! Oh my, gods! Thank you so much for the support. I'm speechless and just... THANK YOU! Here you go, something light and very fluffy.

Enjooooooy! :D


"Home sweet home!" Stiles said the moment he entered the Hale house. Talia and the others decided that it was best to give them their privacy for a few days. Alec went with them back to the main house in the deeper part of the preserve which Stiles didn't even know existed until Peter and Laura told him about it. Alec took quite an interest in Peter and for some reason, he followed him around like a lost puppy. It was quite a sight whenever Peter would look down on the boy, they would have a staring contest and eventually, Peter gives up too easily and ends up carrying Alec wherever he goes.

"It's nice to be back here..." Derek said as he caught Stiles staring at him, lips pursed in concentration, "Even if the memories are shitty?" the Omega inquired.

"Even if the memories are shitty." He echoed and then dropped the duffel bag to the floor. He turned his body towards his fiance and grabbed Stiles by the waist, pulling him close to his body, "Or we could make  new memories here..." Derek whispered as he nuzzled into Stiles' neck, "I could think of ways to start..." he added.

Stiles giggled as Derek's stubble grazed the expanse of his neck, "Tickles... oh, babe, we can't yet, remember? Doctor's orders..."

It made Derek growl and pull away. His eyes were molten red as he scowled down at his Omega, "Fucking Doctor's orders..."

"Oh, poor Alpha, I'm sorry but we have to follow. Just a few more days, okay? Or until the good doctor says we're good to go." Stiles cooed at his Alpha, his hands cupping Derek's stubbled cheeks, "If we do it now, my stitches are gonna tear and just so you know, I don't want that to happen, okay?" He added as he pressed butterfly kisses on his Alpha's face.

When he pulled away, a pout was clearly present on Derek's face, "Stop pouting and growling..."

Derek's eyes turned back to normal and then he spoke, "Once those stitches are removed, I'm going to make sure you won't be able to walk nor get up from the bed."


The following days were spent cuddling, taking long walks, a bit of making out and watching movies.

At some point, Laura and Alec came by because the boy wanted some cuddles with his Daddy and Papa. The boy spent every waking hour with Stiles watching cartoons or just playing around.

"Papa, do you go wolf too like Laura?" Alec asked one time while the three of them were cuddling on the pullout bed in the living room while Tangled was playing on the T.V.

Derek glanced back at Alec and then to Stiles, then back to Alec and said, "Hmm... why'd you ask? Do you wanna see?"

Alec's face lit up like it was Christmas, "Can I really? Daddy, Papa's gonna go wolf! Wanna see it now!" the boy sat up and bounced on the bed excitedly.

"Right now? Can't we do it tomorrow morning?"

"Papa, c'mon! Up! Daddy wants to see it too, right, Daddy?" Alec said as they both glanced at Stiles, who was smiling at the both of them, "Well, I am quite curious. I've see Laura's wolf form... I-I want to see what you look like as a wolf, Der." Stiles said.

In the end, Derek admitted defeat to a five-year-old. They paused the movie, put on the lights in the backyard and went there. Alec and Stiles stood there as Derek walked in front of them.

Derek rolled his shoulders for good measure. He took of his shirt, Alec didn't mind but it did something to Stiles, and Derek could practically smell the arousal coming from his fiance.

He smirked as he took off his pants but left on his black boxer briefs, "Are you guys ready?"

"Yea! Go wolf, Papa!" Alec squealed and Stiles stared at him heatedly.

His muscles began to shift along with his bones. His legs forming hind legs and his hands and feet slowly formed into paws. His face elongated to form a snout. His skin forming fur and his human form was gone.

Alec ran towards Derek's wolf form. He stood tall, like a Great Dane. His fur was all black and it looked beautiful.

"Wow! Papa, you're a wolf! Bigger than Laura!" the boy ooed and awed at his Papa and he received a few licks on his cheeks in response, "Tickles, Papa..."

Stiles walked towards him and said, "I guess the dog jokes aren't stopping any time soon, huh, babe?"

Derek glared at him and huffed in annoyance. He decided to tackle Stiles to the ground and lick him, "S-stop! Oh my, God! Derek!" Stiles laughed and groaned under the wolf while Alec clapped and cheered on his Papa.

Eventually, Derek stopped and rested his wolf form on top of Stiles, careful not to press too hard on his almost-healed stitches.


A few days after that, Stiles and Derek went to the hospital for a check-up.

"Well, I guess, you're pretty much good to go, Mr. Stilinski, but I'm still warning you, don't strain yourself, alright?" the doctor said as Stiles put on his shirt.

"I promise... Um, Der, can you go ahead and wait in the car first? I have to ask Dr. Morales about something really important." Stiles glanced at his fiance, who raised a brow but said nothing in protest. He smiled back, walked towards Stiles and kissed him, "Fifteen minutes, okay?"

Once Derek was gone, Dr. Morales looked at Stiles and said, "Overprotective Mate, isn't he?"

"Oh, you have no idea... I-I have a question..." he muttered, nervously biting his lower lip.

Dr. Morales raised her brow and gestured for Stiles to go on, "Go right ahead..."

"D-Derek and I haven't... y'know, done it yet and I'm kind of really nervous. I mean, I've done it once before and well, I got pregnant... fuck... I'm not really making this easy, am I?" he sputtered over his words while Dr. Morales just smiled fondly at him.

"Hey, don't feel nervous. Okay, do you want more children?" She asked casually.

"Of course I want to... I want to give Derek one or two kids in the future... I've asked Alec once and he seemed really excited about that. The point is, will I still get pregnant? I haven't had heats since... well, since I started getting heat-suppressant shots after Alec was born. I've read somewhere that suppressants really fuck up an Omega's cycle..." Stiles explained as precise as he could and breathed in once he was done.

Dr. Morales nodded, "Well, to answer your question, yes, you can still get pregnant but we have to wean you off of suppressants to let the heat take it's natural course. It'll take a while, maybe six months to a year to get your body accustomed to the changes again but it's possible. I could give you the name of my OB, if you want?"

Stiles breathed easily after that. He could still give Derek children. "I-I.. y-yes, please, I would like to get that name."



A/N: Five more to go. Sorry, if this is late... my internet connection has been really shitty nowadays.

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