You and I

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For some reason, Stiles couldn't help but think about Derek after that first meeting.

The man was perfect and boy was he good looking. He had those perfect green eyes and that smile was so breathtakingly beautiful.

"Daddy, why is your heart go pitter patter?" Alec asked, breaking his trail of thoughts.

Brown eyes stared at him from the dining table, curious as to why his father's heart sped up.

Stiles smiled softly and said, "I was just thinking about something, baby. Go back to your coloring and I'll finish making dinner, okay?"

The boy obediently went back to coloring and didn't ask again.


The next day, Stiles opened up the shop alone because Mrs. Boyd had a doctor's appointment.

Miraculously, there weren't too much people buying flowers that day.

A little later that day, Allison and Alec came into the store.

"Daddy! Look at my star! Aunty Ally gave me a star 'cos I helped her clean up the classroom!" Alec gleefully bounded into his Daddy's arms.

Allison giggled at the sight and said, "Alec is my special helper. So, will you be fine with him here? I could take him back to the apartment if you want."

Stiles shook his head and said, "Nah, I can handle it. Not a lot of customers since this morning. Besides, Mrs. B told me to close up early if I wanted."

"Speaking of Mrs. B, she told me something really interesting last night when I ran into her at grocery's." She said as she shot Stiles a knowing look.

Stiles' brows furrowed in confusion.
"Well, she said that Vernon's boss came in yesterday. She also said that the two of you looked good together." She continued with a cheery tone in her voice.

"Ally, you know that I can't really think of getting into a relationship right now. I'm unstable. Besides, who would want used goods anyway..." He said as he watched his son rummage through his backpack for his crayons and paper.

Allison sighed and said, "Stiles, stop doing that to yourself. You're a great guy and you're hot. Believe it or not, some of my co-teachers are think you are. So... please, Stiles, give it a chance."

Stiles groaned in defeat and said, "Fine... I'll try and make it work. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

Allison nodded and hugged him before saying goodbye.

And then, Stiles went back to watching his son.

"Baby, what're you drawing?" Stiles asked as he walked towards the table where Alec was.

"Daddy and me planting flowers." Alec said with a wide grin on his face.

Stiles smiled fondly at his son and ruffled his hair before going back behind the cashier.

A couple of minutes later, the door opened and to Stiles' surprise, it was Derek Hale standing by the door with huge grin on his face.

"M-Mr. Hale... I mean, Derek... Hi, what're you doing here?" Stiles said as he blushed slightly at the sight of Derek's smile.

"Hi, Stiles." Derek said as he walked towards the cashier but stopped midway when Alec spoke.

"Daddy! Look!" The boy said as he walked towards Stiles and showed him what he drew.

Alec glanced up and smiled widely at Derek and said, "Hi!"

"Uh... Hi there. I'm Derek, you are?" Derek's face suddenly lit up and kneeled down on one knee and took a look at Alec's drawing.

"I'm Alec and I'm five! Are you my Daddy's friend?" Alec asked as he took a step closet towards Derek until he was in the man's arms.

"Um... Yes... I think we are." Derek said as he stood up with Alec in his arms.

"Baby boy, would you mind giving us a minute? Derek and I need to talk." Stiles said as Alec pouted but complied and went back to the table.

"So... what're you doing here? If you're looking for Mrs. B, she has a doctor's appointment." Stiles turned towards Derek with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Actually, I'm here to ask you out. Maybe go on a dinner on Friday night. I know that you're probably busy with work and Alec but would you please give me a chance?" Derek said as he tried to be as subtle as possible.

Stiles grinned widely and said, "Yes, I would like to go out with you, Derek."

To be continued...

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