Plus One

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Five years was a long time for Stiles Stilinski.

He ran away from home and for some reason he didn't even try to look back.

He went to a lot of places and met a lot of people, one of them was a man named Jordan Parrish. He was everything that Stiles could ever hope for. He was charming and hard working. They've gone through a couple of dates before the decided to have sex and boy was it good.

A few days later, Stiles found himself hurling all of his breakfast into the kitchen sink. That's when he knew that something was wrong with him. He went to the store and bought himself three different pregnancy test kits and let's just say that things went under the bus far quickly than he anticipated.

When Jordan came home that night, Stiles happily told him that they were expecting but what the man did made him doubt everything he ever believed in.

"Stiles, I... I'm not ready for this... We're not ready for this change yet. I'm not even sure if having kids.... Urgh! I'm so sorry..."

The next day, Stiles moved out of his small apartment in New York, sold his blue Jeep and got on a train bound to Seattle. He just wanted to be as far away from Jordan as possible.


Moving to Seattle turned out to be the best option for Stiles. He already has a GED. He was lucky enough to have found a place to stay in for a while until he got back on his feet. He met an Alpha couple, Scott McCall and Allison Argent. They were nice enough to welcome him into their home and take care of him, partly because he was an Omega and that it came natural for Alphas to take care of them.

Stiles and Scott became the best of friends after that. The young Alpha told him that he was human once and that a rogue Alpha caused havoc in their town and bit a couple of teenagers. Some survived and some didn't.

Allison, a human with Alpha genes, used to be a werewolf hunter and that after meeting Scott, her views of werewolves changed, that not all them were monsters.

It became easier after that. Stiles worked at the library until his 7th month of pregnancy and went on temporary leave when it became too much of a hassle to walk around with a baby on the way.

When the baby was born, Stiles named him Alec Scott Stilinski, and Scott cried and laughed at the same time. Allison and Scott became Alec's godparents and Stiles wouldn't have it any other way.


"Daddy! We're gonna be late!" A loud shriek echoed throughout the apartment and Stiles couldn't help roll his eyes at the mirror. He was still fixing his hair and his baby was too excited for Kindergarten.

"Yes, I'm coming and we're not going to be late. Aunty Ally's class doesn't start for another forty minutes, baby." Stiles said as he exited the bathroom and found Alec sitting on the bed while playing a game on Stiles' phone.

"But Daddy, I want to stop by the pond and watch the baby duckies..." Alec pouted and Stiles heart swelled because the only person who could teach his son the puppy pout look was his best friend... and note that when Scott does that, he cannot say no.

"Urgh... Baby boy, one of these days I'm going to have to say no to you but right now, I can't because you are so adorable and I love you so much!" Stiles said as he peppered his son's face with kisses until the boy was in a fit of laughter.


In the end, they went to the park first to watch the baby ducks and maybe feed them some crumbs. Then they went to school where Allison was teaching kindergartners and preschoolers.

As they said their goodbyes, Alec kissed Stiles cheeks and the moms that were dropping off their kids couldn't help but coo at them. They were adorable.


Stiles went to work at Mrs. Boyd's Flower Shop. Mrs. Boyd became surrogate grandmother to Alec and a mother figure to Stiles. She would always talk about her kids; Vernon who was the same age as Stiles, 23, who works as a bodyguard for some fancy CEO and Alicia, a sophomore in high school.

Alicia always visits them at the shop and tries to help out on the weekends and Vernon would help close up at nights. Alicia is a human-Beta and Vernon is a Beta Werewolf.

"Oh, sweets, good morning. How's our little ball of energy?" Mrs. Boyd asked as she placed a bucket full of carnations in front of Stiles.

Stiles took the bucket and placed it in front of the store along with the other flowers.

"Oh my, god, Mrs. B, Alec will be the most good looking boy in the whole world. Now I know how my Dad felt whenever he looked at me with those cute brown eyes!" He said as he smiled fondly at the memory.

"Oh boy, baby boy is going to be heartbreaker." Mrs. Boyd smiled back as she went to sit behind the cashier.

Stiles continued to arrange the flowers to his liking for a good thirty minutes.

And then, something unexpected happened.

"Hey Ma, Stiles!" A familiar voice called to them. Vernon was standing by the door in his black suit accompanied by a man who wore a dark blue suit, his hair was black perfectly styled, he had sharp features... features that could be seen on a model. His eye-color changed between blue and green...or maybe gray.

He was beautiful.

"Ah, Mr. Hale, how nice of you to visit us." Mrs. Boyd happily greeted the man but Stiles stood there motionless and completely enamored with the man.

"Mrs. B, I told you to call me Derek. I'm actually here to buy some flowers for my sister's birthday." Derek said as he glanced at Stiles, who was now blushing madly.

"Oh my, I almost forgot about Laura's birthday. Stiles, hun, would you mind helping Derek. I have to get some muffins upstairs for them to eat." Mrs. Boyd said as she immediately went at the back and went upstairs. Vernon followed suit.

"I'm Derek Hale. You are?" Derek spoke as he walked towards Stiles' workstation.

"I'm... uh... I'm Stiles Stilinski. It's very nice to finally meet Vernon's boss." Stiles said as they shook hands.

For some reason, the need to be close to Derek gnawed at Stiles' gut but he pushed it aside and asked, "So, what does your sister like? Does she prefer roses? Carnations? Tulips?"

"Well, she doesn't really get many flowers from people. I think I'd give her some pink and white carnations. She loves those." Derek answered as he stared at Stiles' hands.

"Hmmm... Okay. Alpha.... I mean, Mr. Hale... Oh my... What am I supposed to call you?" Stiles sputtered over his words the moment his eyes met with green ones.

"Derek... I've had enough of people calling me Mr. Hale at the office. Call me Derek." Derek said as he smiled brightly at the young man.

And in that moment, Stiles knew that this man was going to be important to him.

To be continued...

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