Say "I Do"

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A/N:  Oh how time flies... one more tomorrow :)

As always, thank you and enjoy reading :)


Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.

I've heard that from somewhere before and for some reason, it's kind of stuck. A lot has happened to me before I met Derek, actually, a lot's still happening even after I met him.

I fell in love with an Alpha who was way out of my league. I got to know him better, deeper. I saw him at his worst and at his best and I still think he hung the moon. His version of an apology is scowling and pouting, possibly mumbling his apologies but he apologizes nonetheless. He loves my son and would kill anyone who would try to harm him. He was an Alpha who bowed down to a damaged Omega like myself.

He is mine and I am his.


Meeting Stiles was definitely the best moment of my life.

I fell in love with an Omega who was leagues ahead of me. Although he has his faults, he never ceases to amaze my wolf. He is kind and humble. His eyes are like whiskey with specs of gold in them. His version of an apology is to cuddle me nonstop until I give in. He loves his son more than anything in the world and I love him for that. He has been through a lot just to be with me. He was beaten and bruised but he still loves me no matter what I told him.

I will never regret the day I bowed down to an Omega like Stiles. He is mine and I am his.


"Oh my, God! Stiles, you look so beautiful..." Allison said as she wiped her tears away gently with a clean tissue.

Stiles smiled sheepishly as he stared into the mirror. He was wearing a red three-piece suit. It was Laura's idea. Their entourage all wore white with a boquet of roses or a red rose pinned to the suits. For some reason, Lydia agreed to it and made the whole wedding red and white-themed. Allison and her team were the one who made the suits for the grooms, and the dresses and suits for the entourage.

Lydia and Laura had the whole back of the main house closed down during the months coming to this day and no one has ever seen the backyard ever since. Not even Peter nor Derek's parents.

"Daddy!" Alec's voice came from behind the Omega and when he turned, he saw his son wearing a cute white three-piece suit as well and his brown hair softly comb to the side. He smiled and kneeled down to give his boy a kiss on the cheek, "Wow, look at my handsome, baby! Are you ready for Daddy and Papa's wedding?" Stiles asked.

Alec nodded and said, "Yes! Lookie my suit. Peter said I look good!"

"Well, you do. Where's Papa? Have you seen him?" He asked as he fixed the boy's collar and gently brushed off the suit.

"Yes, Daddy... he look handsome too!" Alec answered with his eyes wide and sparkling.


"Nephew, are you ready?" Peter asked as he opened the door to Derek's dressing room.

Derek also wore a red suit with black linings and a black bowtie. His hair was carefully styled a few minutes ago by Lydia, who was probably doing some last minute set-ups downstairs.

"I've been ready since I met him, Peter." Derek said as he smiled at himself as he stared at the mirror.

Peter smiled widely at his nephew and clapped him on the shoulder, "That's good, Derek. Oh, I have a gift for you and your Omega. Here." He said as he fished out a white envelope and gave it to Derek.

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