The Bonds We Cherish

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"C'mon, pup, let's go! We're gonna be late." Stiles said as he ushered Alec into the car that Derek let him borrow for the time being. It was a 2014 Audi A4 and it was red, so Stiles let it slide. Derek left early for work because he had a lot of meetings for the day.

Alec happily got in his car seat and then Stiles put on the seatbelts then placed a kiss on his pup's forehead before going to the driver's seat and starting the car.


Allison was surprised when she saw a bright red car park on the school's parking lot and out went Stiles and Alec.

She smiled at them before kneeling down and hugging Alec, "Nice ride, Stiles." she said.

"Oh, that... uh... Derek let me borrow it, insisted actually. Anyway, I'll pick him up after work, okay?" Stiles said as they shared a hug as well.

"Well, that's really nice of him. Anyway, I'll see you later, okay?" She said as she ushered the newly arrived students to go inside.


When Stiles got to work, Mrs. Boyd had just arrived as well. She smiled at him when he parked by the flower shop.

"That is a very nice car, Stiles." Mrs. B said as Stiles fished out his keys opened the locks of the flower shop. He blushed madly at the thought of Mrs. B thinking that he was some kept Omega.

"Ah... Derek let me borrow it for a while. He said that it's for both my safety and his sanity." Stiles explained as they entered the shop.

Mrs. B nodded in agreement, "Alphas tend to do that, my boy, especially when it comes to Derek. He's quite protective of the ones he cares about." She added as they made their way to the shop's locker room to deposit their bags.

Stiles couldn't help but agree with the woman. The man he loves exuded qualities beyond any normal Alphas that he had met, and that included his Dad and some of his friends. Derek was the epitome of a perfect Alpha; he was strong, both mentally and physically, he was financially-capable and most of all, he always seemed to have a knack for surprising Stiles every step of the way.

"Although, let me tell you, that boy always had it rough when it came to love, my child." Mrs. B suddenly said, her eyes cast down and her mouth in a frown, as if she was remembering an awful memory.

"W-what do you mean? Did something happen to Derek before?" He asked cautiously as his face went from a smile to a confused and sad state.

She smiled weakly and said, "You see a perfect Alpha capable of so much love and no almost no hate, but before you came along, child, that boy's heart has been beaten way too much. Now, I have no right to tell you anything, but just know that that man loves you so much that if you leave now, he might not make it."


Mrs. Boyd's words hung in his mind the whole day. For some reason, he thinks that he should ask Derek but on the other hand, he also thought that he should just wait for his Alpha to tell him that story when he's ready.

It also got him thinking that other than the Derek he knew now, he never once saw a glimpse of the Derek before he meet him and Alec.


Later that day, Derek couldn't help but shake a nagging feeling at the back of his mind. It was like, the more he thought of Stiles and Alec that day, the more that feeling became stronger and quite frankly,  he's getting a bit worried now.

He glanced at his phone and noticed that other than the text that Stiles drove Alec to school and that his Omega was already at work, he never got a text again and for Derek, that says a lot of things.

He grabbed his phone and his thumb hovered over the call button beside Stiles' number, he hesitated for a while but proceeded to call him anyway to ease his mind.

"Hey, babe." Stiles answered at the third ring and his heart eased a bit.

"H-hey... I haven't heard from you so I got really worried... Uh... are you okay?" Derek sputtered over his words, which was very un-Alpha-like in his mind. Only Stiles could reduce Derek to a stuttering mess.

Stiles laughed softly and said, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Der... We had a lot of customers a while ago and I couldn't send you a text... I'm sorry."

"Hey, you don't need to apologize, babe. Anyway, I take it you're not busy now, right?" He reassured his Omega and his wolf has settled a bit. Just a bit.

"Not busy anymore. How about you? Any world shattering plans for world domination yet, O Mighty Sourwolf?" Stiles asked and the nickname made Derek growl a bit, but in a playful manner that made Stiles shiver all over like he was asking for it.

"Unfortunately, no, not yet. But I'll be coming home early which means I'll get to pick up Alec from school today." He said as he twirled his pen in his hand as he smiled softly.

Stiles answered, "Hmm... I guess I should tell Allison that you'll be picking up Alec later, then... Such a good Alpha."

Derek's wolf beamed in pride the moment Stiles told him those words.


After talking to Derek, Stiles thought about what kind of person Derek was before he and Alec came into his life. Did he worked too hard? Was he scowly and grumpy? Did he yell at his employees? Did he even liked the idea of having children? Those were the type of questions that got Stiles thinking as he worked throughout the day.

He wanted to know more, more about his Alpha.


A/N: So, I guess you could say that this is me delving into Derek's life and Stiles' inhibitions. Next update will be on Sunday :)

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