Kiss Me Kiss Me

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Two Months after Alec's Birthday...

After having Alec, Stiles never thought he'd have someone to share this moment with. He always thought that it will always be him and Alec against the world. He never thought that he'd meet someone like Derek Hale.

"What're you thinking about?" Derek asked as he nuzzled into his fiance's neck, breathing in his scent.

Stiles hums in response and said, "Hmm... just us, and our life together... and how incredibly lucky I am to have you in my life."

Derek chuckled as he pressed his lips at the juncture of Stiles' neck and said, "Well, I'm the one who should be saying that. I have an Omega who loves me and a cute son who literally lights up my life... what more could I ask for?"

Stiles laid silent for a moment and smiled at the Alpha. Later on, he pushed Derek on to the bed and went on to sit on top of him. He stared down at the most gorgeous man he has ever laid his eyes on and asked, "What about a bouncing baby girl? Is that too much to ask?"

Derek's eyes widened as he sat up to meet Stiles' eyes. They sat there with smiles on their faces as they stared into each other's eyes with their noses touching. "You want to try?" Derek breathed out.

"Dr. Simmons said it's only a matter of time until my heats are regular again. Remember two weeks ago, we only had ten days of heat. She said that once the days of my heats decrease, then we're getting closer to what we want." Stiles explained as he pressed his lips on Derek's forehead.

"Hmm... well, regular Omega heats are from three to six days... But are you really sure you want to try for a baby this year? You know I have no problem waiting, right?" The Alpha said as he began to massage Stiles' lower back.

"I'm sure of it... actually, I've never been sure in my life. I want to give Alec a baby sister or a baby brother. I want to give you a baby that will remind you that forever isn't just a word. It's a promise of my love and devotion to you as my Alpha and my Mate."

Derek cupped Stiles' cheeks and said, "My beautiful, perfect Omega..."


"Daddy, can I have a baby sister?"

Stiles and Derek suddenly exchanged glances at the table while having their dinner. Talia and James smiled at each other while Laura sniggered behind her mashed potatoes.

"Why a baby sister specifically, pup?" Peter was the one who broke the silence.

"Well, Aunty Erica said she'll have a baby boy so he's gonna be like my baby brother... but I want a baby sister so I could tell her stories and stuff..." Alec mumbled as he ate his potatoes with gusto.

"Oh, is that so? Are you going to protect her from bullies too?" Stiles inquired and Alec nodded with his mouth full like a squirrel, "Yeeefff! I will! I'mma punch 'em and tell 'em that my Papa will rip their throats out with his teeth!"

Stiles suddenly gave Derek the stink-eye and the Alpha just shrugged sheepishly. Laura laughed loudly and said, "That he will!"


"So, how are the wedding preparations coming, Stiles?" Talia asked as they washed the dishes. The others were in the living room of the main house and Alec was fawning over Peter again.

"It's doing great. Lydia, Allison and Laura are quite helpful. We're almost done with the venue and the menu will be e-mailed to everyone in the family tomorrow for critiquing." Stiles answered as he smiled at his future Mother-in-law... or Mom.

"Oh, that's wonderful, sweety. I do hope that Peter already told you that he'll be wearing his own suit to the wedding, right?" She cooed and then her face changed in a confused manner when she thought about Peter wearing his own suit at the wedding.

Stiles chuckled as he nodded, "Yep, he specifically told the girls that he will provide his own suit and that they can't do anything about it. He even said that not even you could change his mind."

"Well, that's Peter for you, dear."


Once dinner with the family was over, Derek carried Alec to back to the car while Stiles followed.

"So, I heard you and Mom talking in the kitchen." Derek said as he strapped the boy to his car seat.

Stiles smiled as he watched his future-husband and said, "Yep, mostly about the wedding but you already knew that."

"Hmm.. well, I'm trusting Lydia, Allison and Laura to give us the wedding of the year. If anyone could do it, they could." The Alpha sighed as he closed the car door. He stood there for a moment and stared at Stiles, who was staring back at him.

"I love you, Stiles." he breathed out as he took Stiles' hands into his and pressed a kiss on top of both.

"I love you too, Derek."


A/N: So, two more; the Wedding and the Epilogue. So, stay tuned because I will be posting those two on Saturday and Sunday :)

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