Lie To Me

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"Derek... did you... um... nevermind." Stiles muttered as he brushed off the thoughts off his mind and walked out of the kitchen.

It was one of those nights when Alec was at Scott's because their pup missed his Uncle Scott and Aunty Ally that even though they get to see each other almost everyday, he still wanted to have a slumber party with them and who was Stiles to deprive his pup of that opportunity, right?

It's been a week since Mrs. Boyd told Stiles about those vague things about Derek's past and he still can't shake them. He was a cop's kid, he was bound to be curious.

Derek raised his brows in confusion and said, "Did I what? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing... forget about it, Der." Liar. You just want to know if there were others before you, said the little voice at the back of his mind and it was right. He wanted to know so badly that it was already killing him.

"You do know that your heart just went 'blip', right? C'mon, Stiles, tell me what's wrong." Derek pushed on as he grabbed Stiles' hand and stared worriedly into his Omega's eyes.

Stiles bit his lower lip, closed his eyes and breathed in. Fuck it. He thought and said, "Did you have previous relationships?"


Dead silence.

"What?" Derek snapped and pulled away his hand from his Omega's.

"I mean... before me, did you ever date? Had a girlfriend or boyfriend that I should know about? It's not that I'm prying... it's just that you already know who I was with before we met, but you... I know nothing of the you from before all this happened." Stiles explained, as his eyes watched Derek's lips twitch in a frown. Right now, Derek's face turned from his usual adorable Sourwolf self to a man that Stiles didn't even know existed.

Derek stared at Stiles like he did something wrong, his eyes full of disappointment and betrayal.

"That's none of your business, Stiles." The man said as his eyes flashed red and remained that way as his eyes bore into the back of the Omega's mind.

Stiles' eyes widened, a small whine escaped from his throat as he asked, "None of my business, Derek? Did you even hear yourself just now? You asked me to move in with you, the least you could do is to tell me something about your past relationships, Hale."

Derek's jaw clenched tight as he scowled harder at Stiles, like he wanted the young man to just shut his mouth and just accept that he didn't want to tell him anything.

"My past relationships are not your concern, Stiles. We're together now, that matters more than my past, don't you think?" Derek drawled, his voice full of tension.

"I opened up to you, Derek. I told you all of the things that happened before I met you. Sure you introduced me to your family, we have Sunday brunch every week with them but other than that, I know nothing about you. I moved in with you because I thought that if I did, you'd at least open up to me but... but you just brush it off like it doesn't matter." Stiles muttered, his eyes  getting watery and his voice cracking. He wanted to cry and beg for his Alpha. He just wanted to appease his mind from all the doubts.

And then, Derek stood up and didn't even look back. He grabbed his keys from the fish bowl on the coffee table and walked towards the door. He slammed it shut leaving Stiles alone, in tears and heartbroken.


That night, Stiles cried himself to sleep as he waited for his Alpha to come home.


The next day, Stiles woke up and found that Derek didn't even come home. He checked on his phone and there were three messages.

Allison A: On our way to school. Alec says 'Good morning and MUAH!'

There was a photo attached with Alec making kissing face at Allison's phone camera.

Alicia Boyd: Hey, Stiles! Are you okay? You didn't come in today. Don't worry, I covered for you :)

He smiled and thanked the heavens that Alicia, Vernon's little sister, didn't have any classes today. He woke up late and for some reason, he didn't really felt like going to work.

Laura H: Did something happen between you and D? He came in looking grumpy last night. Call me.

He frowned at the message that Laura sent. He thought about calling Laura and explain what happened between him and his Alpha but part of him wanted to rest for a while and just deal with it later.

Instead, he searched for Derek's name and decided to call him instead.

He breathed in deep as he waited for his Alpha to pick up the phone.

This is Derek Hale, please leave a message after the beat.

He dialed once more and every time he tries, it just rings and then straight to the voicemail and then when he tried one last time, "The number you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area. Please try again later."

I should've just kept my mouth shut. He thought to himself as he tried to stop the tears from falling.

You wanted to know the truth. A small voice told him at the back of his mind. Yes, he wanted to know what goes on in Derek's mind but not to the point where the man will hate him for it.

It hurts a lot... it was too much that it felt like he couldn't breathe.


A/N: Oops... I think I may have pushed it too far... NAH! To be continued :)

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