This Time with Feelings

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Sunday came and it meant that it was the weekly brunch at the Hale Manor.

Stiles was a bit nervous but Alec was practically jumping off his car seat in Derek's Rover.

"Hey, don't be too nervous." Derek said as he glanced over the passenger seat. As a werewolf, he could smell certain scents that people give off and Stiles reeked of anxiety.

"I know that I shouldn't but I'm meeting your family for the first time and what if they won't like me? What if-"

"Stiles, babe, they will love you because I love you. Laura has been bugging me since day one and my parents, especially my Mom, really wants to meet you and Alec. So please, have a little faith in yourself, okay?" The Alpha reassured him as he squeezed Stiles' hand.


When they got to the Hale Manor, everything that Stiles' felt dissipated. The manor looked like those in movies. It was very beautiful and quite frankly, HUGE!

They parked in front of the house and when they got out, Derek's dog, Bruce came running towards Alec but stopped midway and dropped a tennis ball in front of the boy.

"Daddy, Papa, can Brucie and me play?" The boy asked.

"Later, baby boy. We have to get inside first and meet everybody else, okay?" Derek said as he grabbed Stiles' hand and led them into the house.

Alec nodded and Bruce trotted beside him as they followed the Alpha.


The door opened and a middle-aged woman in a uniform greeted them, "Alpha Derek, and my, who are these two beautiful people?"

"Martha, this is my Omega, Stiles Stilinski and our pup, Alec Scott Stilinski." Derek introduced them and to say that Martha, a quite powerful werewolf Beta, swooned was an understatement. She adored Stiles and Alec and asked them quite a lot of questions.

Usually the questions were noninvasive and more about the type of food and if there were any allergies.

Martha Gomez, a Beta werewolf, has served the Halea for ten years and has considered them family since she lost hers a fews back. Alpha Talia Hale made sure that the people who did those horrible things to her family were punished for it.


When Martha led them through the white French doors, the view was quite amazing. The Hale Manor had a man-made lake, boats, a swimming pool and some other that were far out into the property.

"Oh my, god! Is that him?!" A familiar voice came from behind them.

They turned and saw a woman with the same beautiful features as Derek, only softer edges. She had long black hair tied in a ponytail. She wore a cream-colored sundress and black flats.

"Laura, I'd like you to meet Stiles and Alec." Derek said and Laura walked towards Stiles and hugged the living lights out of him.

"You're so adorable!" Laura said, practically jumping out her skin in delight as she wrapped her arms arpund Stiles and then down to Alec, who hugged her back.

"You smell nice." Alec said as he nuzzled into Laura's neck and Stiles smiled at the sight.

Laura was a female Alpha werewolf so her inclination towards pups is quite mind blowing.

"I could say the same to you. How old did you say he was?" She said before lifting Alec up in her arms.

"He just turned five a couple of months ago. Why?" Stiles answered as he leaned against Derek's arm.

"Well, he's gonna Show soon. And I think, by the scent I just found, he'll be an Alpha. I think you'll find out within three to six months tops." She explained and the gave Alec a peck on cheek.

Derek's brow rose in surprise and said, "So, our pup is going to be an Alpha in the making, huh?"

"Yep, and I think Mom and Dad are going to love Alec, especially you, Stiles. Because let me tell you, sweetie, he has never brought home anyonebefore." Laura grinned at her little brother, who was turning red at the moment and shaking his head.

Stiles beamed at his Alpha and boy was it worth it. Derek looked like a child and he was so adorable.

"Oh, well, I'm lucky to have met him in the first place. He was quite an interesting fellow. My sweet Sourwolf." Stiles said, his eyes sparkled in a way that makes Derek's heart melt into a puddle.

Laura cooed at them and Alec cheered on his Papa and Daddy.

"My, what a lively affair that we're having today." A familiar voice camr from behind them.

It was a woman with long black hair, forest green eyes like Derek's, sharp features and nothing but elegance and grace exuded from her. She stood tall and proud, a powerful Alpha of Hale pack and she was beautiful.

Beside her stood a man that could be Derek when he's a bit older. He stood tall in his gray pantsuit and rolled up light blue silk shirt. He had gray streaks of hair and his blue eyes were fierce and gentle at the same time, if that made any sense.

"Mom! Dad!" Laura greeted them as she walked towards them with Alec in her arms.


ParttwowillbepostedonSunday :)

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