T w e l v e - Amsterdam!

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Jaemin and Renjun watched as a townie finished putting the swing set into the back of his pickup truck.

Jaemin saluted the swing set as the truck drove off before sneaking a quick kiss on Renjun's cheek.

Renjun shot him a look to which Jaemin responded by throwing up his hands.

"Friendly." Renjun playfully elbowed him away.


Renjun walked with Jeno out of the support group.

"Do you like him?" Jeno asked, referring to Jaemin.

"Of course I like him."

"But you don't want to be with him?" Renjun didn't know what he wanted.

"It's complicated."


Renjun was at his computer reading a new email from Lee Taeyong, Jung Jaehyun's assistant.

Renjun was definitely not expecting this.

"Dear Renjun, I have received word via the genies that you will be visiting us with Na Jaemin and your mother beginning on the 4th. A week away! Jaehyun and I are delighted and cannot wait to-" Renjun stopped reading midway, he was confused.

He stood up and walked into the hallway.

"Mom?" No response.

"Mom." Renjun said a bit louder, still, no response.

"Mom!" Mrs. Huang raced from out of her room in a towel, dripping wet.

"What is it? What's wrong?!" Mrs. Huang asked, worry laced in her voice.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were in the shower.." Renjun apologised.

"Bath. I was just.. trying to take a bath for five seconds. What's the matter?" She sounded exhausted.

"Did you tell the genies that the trip is off? I got an email from Jung Jaehyun's assistant, he still thinks we're coming." Mrs. Huang pursed her lips and squinted past Renjun, unsure of what to say.

"I'm not supposed to tell you until your father gets home but.. we're going to Amsterdam!" Mrs. Huang said excitedly.

"Really..?" Renjun couldn't believe it.

"Dr. Seo called last night and made a convincing case-"

"I love you so much!!" Renjun yelled, interrupting his mother.

Renjun couldn't move fast to hug his mom so she just came to him and they embraced.

"I'm getting back in the tub now." When she left, Renjun grabbed his phone.

Still free May 3? :}


Renjun was over the moon with excitement.

He smiled, then tried to calm himself down, knowing that it was the best thing.

"Okay lungs, one more week. Keep your shit together for just one more week." Renjun whispered to himself or more so, his lungs.


Luggage waited by the door, including oxygen tanks and medical equipment.

Mrs. Huang made breakfast as Renjun entered, dressed and excited for the trip.


"Amsterdam!" And a moment later Mr. Huang joined them.

"Amsterdam!" They were all going crazy with excitement.

After Mr. Huang finished loading up the car, he kissed his wife goodbye and hugged Renjun.

Renjun hugged him back and of course, his father started to cry.

"I'm so proud of you. I love you." Mr. Huang whispered to his son.

Mr. Huang let go of him and wiped away his tears.

They looked at eachother, unable to help himself, he grabbed Renjun for another hug and Renjun let him, laughing.


The car was packed with oxygen tanks, a suitcase for clothes and another for medicines and backup medicines just in case.

Mrs. Huang pulled up to Jaemin's house, they got out of the car and headed to the front door buzzing with excitement.

As they get close to the front door, they could hear a commotion inside.

A woman's voice yelled something unclear.

"Because it's my life, mom! It belongs to me!" Jaemin responded, Mrs. Huang quickly put her arm around Renjun and spinned him back to the car.


"We can't eavesdrop, Renjun."  Back at the car, they waited.

Renjun was unsure of whatever that was about.

Mrs. Huang politely honked the horn and a moment later Jaemin emerged from the house, smiling.

A travel bag over his shoulder and a cigarette dangling from his lips.

"A pleasure to see you ma'am." Jaemin said to Mrs. Huang who sat in the front.

"Hello, Huang Renjun."

"Okay..?" Renjun asked, worry taking over his facial features.

"Okay." Jaemin answered smiling softly.

"Okay." Mrs. Huang didn't know what to make of that.

"Amsterdam!" She just said when they stopped and looked at her.

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