S i x - Okay

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"Mrs. Seo called today, the PET scan is on the eighth." Renjun nodded, eating a spoon of rice

This could be a source of worry but Renjun wasn't gonna think about it right now, he was upbeat and giddy.

His parents couldn't help but notice that he was actually eating, they looked at eachother feeling pleased.

"I told you the support group was a good idea." Mrs. Huang smiled.

Renjun's phone buzzed, 'Jaemin' flashed on his screen.

Renjun looked at his parents, asking for permission to leave the dinner table.

Mr. Huang smiled and nodded before Renjun shuffled into his backyard.

He layed on the grass, staring at the stars as he called Jaemin back.

"Huang Renjun."

"Hello Jaemin." Renjun smiled.

"I read it again, I kept feeling like it was.. a gift? Like you'd given me something important."

"Y- You're welcome." Renjun felt touched.

"We need closure... don't we?" Renjun just knew that Jaemin was also smiling at the other end.

"We need a sequel."

"Yes, we need to know what happens to Anna's family after she dies."

"That's what I keep asking Jaehyun for in my letters."

"But he never wrote back."

"That's right."

"Because he's utterly unreachable."

"Unfortunately so." Jaemin cleared his throat and smiled as Renjun waited.

"Dear Mr. Na... I am writing this to thank you for your electronic correspondence received this 6th April." Renjun sat up, could it be?

"I am grateful to anyone who sets aside the time to read my book.."


"I found his assistant, I emailed him and he must've forwarded it." Renjun was stunned.

"Should I continue?"

"Keep reading!"

"I am indebted to you, sir, for both your kind words about 'An imperial affliction' and for taking the time to tell me that the book meant a great deal to you. To answer your question; no, I have not written anything else, nor will I. I don't feel that sharing my thoughts with readers would benefit them or me. However, thank you again for your generous email. Sincerely, Jung Jaehyun." Renjun paid attention to every word.

"Holy hell..."

"Go check your inbox." Renjun jumped as fast as his lungs would allow him to.

Renjun sat at his computer, Jaehyun's assistants email address staring at him.

The cursor blinked on a blank page and then Renjun started writing.


"Dear Mr. Jung Jaehyun, my name is Huang Renjun. My friend Na Jaemin who read your book (at my recommendation) just received an email from you at this address. I hope you don't mind that he shared the email with me. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions about what happens at the end of the book. Does Anna's mom marry the Dutch tulip man? Is he up to something or is he misunderstood? What happens to Anna's friends? Lastly, I was hoping you could shed some light on Sysiphus the hamster. These questions have haunted me for years and I don't know how long I have left to get the answers to them. If you ever write anything else, even if you don't publish it, I'd love to read it. I'd read your grocery lists, frankly. With great admiration, Huang Renjun. Age 16." Renjun read aloud to Jaemin on the other end of the call.

"Not bad. I think he'll like it." Renjun smiled, looking at the clock.

"It's already 1?"

"I guess so.."

"I gotta get to sleep.."


"Okay.." Neither one of them wanted to hang up the call.


"Okay..." They both laughed at this.

"Perhaps 'okay' will be our 'always'." Renjun smiled.



"Okay.." Jaemin finally hung up.

Is it really possible that this handsome boy likes me? Renjun thought about it and he wasn't convinced.

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