Chapter 31

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The following day, after a lavish Christmas lunch and more exchange of presents, Roseanne gathered Axel and Nemo and the countless other gifts Lisa had showered them with and placed them in her new car. Axel, exhausted from opening and playing with all his new toys, collapsed on the backseat, Nemo cuddling up against him.

“I’ve never seen him this happy,” Roseanne mentioned, snuggling into Lisa. “Although you definitely went overboard with the presents.”

“Nonsense,” Lisa said, leaning forward to buckle Axel and Nemo in. “There is no such thing as too many gifts, Roseanne. He’s a kid! He needs to be spoiled senseless every now and then. My kids will most definitely not want for anything, I tell ya.”

The comment made Roseanne pause. “You… want kids?” she asked, cognizant of how serious Lisa’s expressions suddenly became.

“Oh, er- well, yea, I guess…” Lisa responded awkwardly. “I mean, I love kids. And I guess I’ve always wanted a little one of my own. Well, ya know, as in my partner and I. Together. I-if she wants! If not, dogs are great too! O-or cats… you know what, we don’t even have to have anything that moves, trees and plants are also fun! And when I say we, I don’t mean we – as in you and I! Because I don’t want to make you think I’m putting any sort of pressure on you, or anything, ‘cuz I’m not! I’m happy as long as you’re happy, you know,” Lisa rubbed her nape, her discomfort so obvious, it made Roseanne smile. “But, just out of curiosity, do you… want kids?”

Roseanne thought about her question a moment, and then nodded. “Very much so. Hopefully one day, with the right person.”

The hope that flooded Lisa’s eyes was so intoxicating, so transparent and inviting, that Roseanne had to distract herself to keep her soul from crumbling with the gush of emotions. “You know what, I almost forgot…” she said, rummaging in her purse and pulling out a wrapped, square-shaped item. “Jisoo wasn’t wrong when she said it’s impossible to buy someone that already has everything a gift.”

She handed the package to Lisa. “It’s from Axel and I. it’s not much, but we hope you like it.”

“Babe, I told you… you didn’t have to get me anything.”

“I know, I know. We just wanted to give you something too.”

Lisa undid the wrapping, exhaling soundly once the object came into display. It was a picture frame. Produced from white gold with intricate details marked into the corners. At it’s center was a picture. A selfie of her, Roseanne and Axel, taken two months earlier during a spontaneous camping trip to the northern mountains. Lisa had Axel hoisted up on her shoulders, feigning a disgusted expression as the girls shared a kiss.

Even through the picture, she noticed how they each had a smile formulating across their lips the second their mouths touched, a detail she hadn’t witnessed at the time since her eyes were closed. They stood yards away in front of a scenic background; a waterfall splashing behind them into a sparkling lake. It was one of her most cherished moments.

At the base of the frame, there was a message engraved into the metal.

There’s no greater treasure than to love and be loved

“I know how much you detest the wilderness and primitive living but, you made Axel very happy during that trip,” Roseanne said, recalling the excursion and the unpleasant look on Lisa’s face when she begrudgingly agreed to it. “And you only complained a few hundred times, which was expected.”

Lisa frowned, “primitive is an understatement, babe. We were bathing in a river for crying out loud,” she said unhappily, but smirked when she saw Roseanne’s eyes twinkle with laughter. “I absolutely love this. I mean it, it’s amazing. Is it alright if I put it up on my desk at the office? I want to look at it everyday while at work.”

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