Chapter 16

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Roseanne was holding in her breath for majority of the ride across town to a skit class Axel had signed up to do. Sometime in the middle of the ride, Lisa had, without asking mind you, pushed the A/C button on, which immediately caused both Park siblings to shout a panicked ‘No!’ at her. But it was futile. Instead of chilled, soothing air they were greeted instead with a god-awful stench that made Lisa gag and stick her head out the window.

“What the hell is that?! Holy hell… god have mercy!” She exclaimed, which caused Axel to gargle out a muffled chuckle.

“That’s what you get for being so damn fidgety and touching things you have no permission to touch!” Roseanne snapped, frustrated. “You’re worse than a kid! Just… sit there and don’t touch anything else, alright?!”

Lisa grumbled, head still out the window. “Well, excuse me for assuming the A/C was working… how very idiotic of me.”

When they finally arrived at the location, Roseanne hopped out of the car and rushed over to Lisa’s door, pulling it open for her. Lisa smiled.

“Aww, that was sweet. Thanks, Roseanne!” She beamed at Roseanne, and stepped out.

Roseanne let out a snort. “Uh no. The door only opens from the outside. I figured you’d probably have a tantrum if I told you to stick your arm out and I didn’t want you bitching about anything else.”

Lisa’s radiant smile slumped. “Oh… well… thanks anyways, I guess…”

Roseanne nodded, ushering Axel out of the car and towards the mid-sized building, secretly cursing herself for wiping away that stunning smile for no fucking reason.

“So, Axel… where are we exactly?” Lisa asked, looking around the wide, open space upon entering the building. Rows of chairs and a crudely made stage being the only effects in the rustic, windowless space.

“Oh, we’re doing a skit class! I found the ad online and well, I thought it would be fun! It’s part acting, part improvising, and 100% talent! Plus, it’s funny! You wouldn’t believe what people come up with when under pressure!” Grinning, he darted ahead and took up a seat on the very first row, waving them forward.

Roseanne moved first, taking the seat to Axel’s right. Lisa contemplated her options for a moment, deciding if it would be wise to sit in the vacant seat by Roseanne or take up the closest available seat to Axel’s left. She shrugged and plopped down by Axel, not missing the way Roseanne exhaled a little louder than necessary.

Axel twisted in his seat a second later, hand stretching up and waving. Lisa turned, catching Jennie’s amused glare as she approached.

“Well… didn’t expect to see the likes of you so soon, PG….” She commented, bending over to give Axel a nipple twirl as a greeting, to which Axel yelped. “Kid, next time you make me come out to some abandoned shithole like this, in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere, I’m gonna sell your tiny little organs in the black market.”

Axel smirked. “Love you too, Jen.”

Giving Roseanne a hug, Jennie used the opportunity to extract more information. “Lisa?! Are you experiencing short-term memory loss? Early onset of Alzheimer’s, possibly? Or is this just a clear-cut case of the “Dumb Blonde” syndrome finally kicking in? Gotta catch me up here, Rosie, having a hard time following you lately…”

“Showed up at the house uninvited and Axel asked her to tag along. Plain and simple. I meant what I said, Jen… I won’t do this again.”

Jennie nodded and pulled back, throwing her friend a saddened look laced in comfort and understanding.

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