Chapter 8

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Tiffany ran the pad of her thumb over the rough surface of her favorite fridge magnet; a 17-year-old, hand-made souvenir gifted to her from a 6-year-old rather thoughtful child. The engravings on its clay surface were jagged and rough; lacking finesse and smoothness, but the words read surprisingly clear, Lisa Loves Momma Tiffany.

She naturally smiled, reminiscing upon the warm memory and the disbelief that such a fragile item had miraculously survived all these years. She slapped the paper flush against the door of the fridge, pressing the magnet at its center, making sure it held securely before taking a few, tentative steps back to admire her work.

She was beaming; heart swelling with pride as she once again scanned the page from top to bottom, eyes lingering on the 100% written on its corner. She figured Lisa’s exam had earned a spot on the fridges door-of-fame.

'Miss Tiffany! Miss Tiffany!" Young Axel called to her as he slid into the kitchen, losing his balance for a second but expertly regaining it, stopping a few feet before her. The panicked look on his innocent face made her chuckle.

"Miss Tiffany! The girls... They sent me.... For the sandwiches!" He said in between heavy breaths, his small chest heaving furiously as he tried to relax into a normal breathing rhythm. "Please don't send me back there empty handed! They're cranky, and hungry and... I'm too dang adorable to die!"

Tiffany chuckled again, giving him a small shake of her head. "Axel, I told you to not let them bully you around, child. You must stand up to them, boy!" She scolded gently, but still moved to finish organizing the tray of sandwiches she had prepared for the famished group, who currently occupied the game room. "This is the fifth time they have sent you to do their bidding. You are not their servant, little one!"

Axel nodded, pausing to consider her words for a minute, his features adorably scrounging up as he pondered his choices. Just then, Lucas waddled into the kitchen, balancing at least a dozen dirty dishes with his hands and mouth, mumbling incoherently through clenched teeth that were currently occupied latching onto the edge of a cup.

Tiffany sighed, giving them both another disappointed shake of her head. She moved to help the clearly desperate Lucas with the dishes.

"Oh thank god..." Lucas gasped, relief washing over him once the dishes were put down safely on the counter. "They've sent me for beers! Axel, what's taking you so long!? Jennie is about a second away from going all Hannibal Lecter if she isn't fed soon!" 

Axel threw Tiffany a look of pure terror, and Tiffany rolled her eyes at the pair, attempting to understand what has happened to the men of this generation. "Enough! Both of you!" She lectured, index finger waving from one to the other. "Now, listen here. You are men! Proud, strong, independent men, you hear!? You are not wimps! Now walk back in there and tell them you will not be treated as such!"

Axel and Lucas exchanged a concerned look, before looking back to the very serious Tiffany.


"I won't hear any of it!" Tiffany cut them both off when she heard the beginning of an excuse form on their lips. "Now... Puff out those chests, remove that fear from your eyes, and march back in there and tell them you are not some thing to be ordered around! Go, gentlemen!"

Axel and Lucas readily obeyed, puffing out their chests and nodding firmly, speaking encouragements to one another as they made their trip back to the game room.

Tiffany waited patiently in the kitchen, finishing up the last of the sandwiches. The sound of clattering objects and shouts resonating from the basement urged yet another sigh from her, and she wasn't one bit surprised when both, Axel and Lucas, scrambled back into the kitchen, frenzied and frightened, clearly intent on collecting the requested items.

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