Chapter 1

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Jennie burst into the room with such pizzazz that it sent the door swinging into the wall, colliding with such intensity it poked a hole straight through it.

“Guess where you’ll be on Saturday, March 27th at approximately 7 Post-Meridian Pacific Standard Time?” She asked loudly, grinning unashamedly at the frightened blonde.

“Jennie! Do NOT give me any more reasons to take away your key! Please learn the fine art of knocking!” Roseanne responded, not bothering to leave her chair, where she slumped atop the many books and laptop on her cluttered desk. “I’ll be studying. For a Midterm. You should know that because you’ll be doing the same.”

“Negative, blondie! Gosh you suck at this…” Jennie sighed, walking towards Roseanne and throwing a gold envelope on top of her chemistry - wait, no, biology? Jennie shrugged, something sciency - textbook.

“You, princess, will be attending the highly anticipated, outrageous, out of this world – wait for it - Annual Manoban’s Birthday Extravaganza!” She finished with both arms stretched towards Roseanne, hands splayed and fingers wiggling.

“Come again?” Roseanne narrowed her eyes; glaring at Jennie in honest confusion.

“Gahh! Keep up! You know, for a self-proclaimed genius, you sure don’t live up to the title.” Jennie teased, opening the envelope for Roseanne and waving the invitation in front of her still confused face. “Lalisa Manoban! The richest, brattiest, most envied senior in all of UCLA…? It’s her birthday!”

“And I care because…?” Roseanne blinked a few times, still failing to process the reason for Jennie’s overly eager attitude.

“What! How long have you been cooped away in this gloom room of doom?” She replied, shaking her head in utter shame. “Sheesh, no wonder you’re still single.”

“Hey! Leave my love life out of this and just cut to the point, Kim. I have studying to get done.”

“LALISA MANOBAAAANNN!” Jennie continued, sounding an awful lot like Dory from Finding Nemo. “Rich bitty…you’re in biology with her! It’s her birthday and she invited us! Well, me… because I actually try to make friends. But you’re my ‘Plus One’ soooo, you comin’.”

“Ha! Yea keep dreaming, Jennie.” Roseanne scoffed at the idea; the absurdity of it all baffling her. “Not gonna happen.” She stated, rotating in her chair to face her computer.

“Aw that’s too bad… And too late!” She smiled, turning to leave, tossing the invite on Roseanne’s desk. “I already RSVP’d for us both… So… Yea, good talk.” And she bolted out of the room, crashing into Axel right as she turned the corner out of the bedroom. “OUCH! Watch where you’re going, you little brat!”

“ME? You ran into me, you uncoordinated moron!” He replied, followed immediately by an “OW! You’ll pay for that, Jennie!” Axel growled as Jennie swatted the back of his head.

“Don’t make me give you another Dutch Oven, you little turd!” Jennie threatened, causing Axel to gag in response; reimagining the scenario. “Yea, that’s what I thought…”

“Both of you be quiet!...and both of you watch your language!” Roseanne chided them, still curiously analyzing the envelope Jennie left behind.

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