Chapter 6

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Lisa lounged fluidly on the metal bleachers surrounding the soccer field, absorbing the already stinging April sun while she waited for Somi to finish practice. A surreal smile still clearly painted on her face since the bathroom encounter a few hours ago, and though she tried concealing it as she strolled across campus, it was a futile battle; her lips would not willingly bend into any other shape other than that cheesy grin.

She brought her hand up to her line of sight for possibly the 100th time since Roseanne scribbled her number onto it, the mere memory of the moment enough to get her heart rate escalating and her chest expanding in need of air. The green ink that glimmered on her palm as she lifted it up against the sun almost brought the figures to life, and she had to hold herself back from diving into a passionate French-kiss with her hand.

She was still highly skeptical of the Universe and its discriminatory treatment towards her, so she was prepared this time for any trickery that might transpire. The numbers had already been memorized within five minutes of Roseanne writing it. Lisa made sure to engrave it into her brain...

You know, just in case she just happened to stumble on a pebble and get her hand mysteriously chopped off. She had also saved it into her phone, typed it in an email which she sent herself, taken a picture of the evidence scribbled on her hand, and just for the sake of being extra thorough, written it down into three different notebooks. Not this time, Universe. Not. This. Time... you oversized motherfucker. She was taking no chances.

"Why do I feel like I'm interrupting an intimate moment between you and your hand?" Somi's voice pierced the calmness and Lisa sat up, making space for her friend to settle down next to her. "Is that your new thing now? Hand fetish? Which is totally cool if it is but generally people desire other people's hands... not their own." She spoke jokingly, opening the paper bag Lisa had brought to the field with her and taking out its contents. "Bro...this is a burger. With large fries."

Lisa looked at her somewhat confused. "Yes, that's what you wanted."

Somi sighed, desperately wanting to shove the burger in Lisa's face. "I asked for a salad, you idiot! The last time I had a burger was when I was five! And that's only because you and Jisoo tricked me into believing the meat was tofu!" Somi rolled her eyes, slightly irritated mostly due to her overwhelming hunger. "You know I don't eat meat, Lisa. Where's your head at, dude."

Lisa didn't reply. Instead, she opted to answer Somi's question by practically ramming her splayed hand centimeters away from her face, forcing Somi to momentarily go cross-eyed trying to focus on the blurry scribble.

"Ok... that's either the number of people that despise your guts as of today - me included-, or it's a phone number." Somi responded disinterested, slapping Lisa's hand away from her face. "So, about you going to get me that salad, I have to get back to practice in twenty and would appre-"

"She gave me her number, Somi!" Lisa just blurted, louder than she originally intended. "Roseanne! Her number! Gave me!"

Somi shook her head, attempting to digest the information. Her eyes suddenly widened in realization and Lisa saw them slowly transition from surprise to sorrow.

"Ahhhhh, FUCKING HELL! You have got to be kidding me! Today, out of all days, the chick decides to pull the stick out of her ass and play nice?!" Somi growled from frustration, glancing over at Lisa who looked seriously confused. She sighed. "Jennie and I... sorta had a bet going... and, well-"

"You fucking bitch..." Lisa jumped in, shaking her head. "You bet against me, didn't you?"

"Look, you kept striking out time after time and I honestly didn't think you were gonna get anywhere with this chick." Somi explained, giving Lisa a pitiful look. "Jennie was the one who started it! If there's anyone to blame here, it's her!"

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