Chapter 3

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Somi awoke to a sudden vibration from beneath the pillow she currently drooled on. The stench of booze and smoke seeping from it caused her to gag and cough a few times, and she winced mildly in its direction. The room was bright, too bright, and it did not help alleviate the massive hangover and pounding headache she felt hit her like an incoming train.

Looking around, she found Lisa sprawled on the floor by the bed, wearing only a white Calvin Klein sports bra and boxer briefs, snuggling with roughly half-a-dozen empty bottles of Heinekens. Somi rolled her eyes at the sight; silently apologizing to the pillow once she realized the smell was clearly all Lisa.

She pulled her phone out and perked up when she saw Jennie’s name flash on the screen.

“Yo, drunkie! Wake up!” Somi bellowed, tossing a pillow at Lisa, who only rolled to her other side grumbling curse words up at Somi. “Fine. I guess you don’t want to know what JENNIE texted back about a certain BLONDE!” She made sure to emphasize the two words she knew Lisa had been dying to hear all damn night.

It certainly worked. Lisa shot up into a sitting position so impossibly fast that Somi screamed from surprise. “WHAT THE FUCK, LISA! FIND YOUR CHILL, BRO! You scared the shit out of me!”

Lisa scrambled to her feet on wobbly legs, still visibly drunk from the night before, stepping on a bottle which rolled under her weight and caused her to crash back down harshly on her ass.

“What did she say!” Lisa asked, eyes wide and excited, barely registering that she currently sat on at least three uncomfortable bottles.

“Jeez, now that’s real thirst…” Somi laughed, scooting over to give Lisa space when she crawled into bed next to her.

Somi opened the message, which revealed a single word, yet to Lisa the combination of those 8 letters were suddenly the most beautiful formation she had ever seen.

“Roseanne.” Lisa and Somi said out loud in synchrony.

“Roseanne…” Lisa repeated it again solo one more time, relishing how the name just rolled off her tongue and tugged at her heartstrings, she felt her lips curve upwards into a smile. “Did she say anything else?!”

“Nope. Just that.” Somi shook her head.

“What! What kind of information is that! Seriously, I mean, can your friend be any LESS specific?!” Lisa scoffed, feeling empty and unfulfilled with the simplicity of the text; she wanted more…she needed to know more. Just as she was about to dive into a ruthless rant about Jennie’s ineptness, Somi’s phone started to vibrate with such continued momentum from incoming messages that Lisa briefly thought her phone had broken.

Roseanne Park.’


DOB - 02/11.”


Senior/ Nursing Major.’

CEO of Nerdville.’

Sucks people’s fun for fun.’

Bartender and waitress at Arcadia Bar and Grill.

Works- M/W/F/SAT 7 PM -10 PM.’

Classes- M/T/W/T 9 AM-5 PM.

‘In Biology with Manoban a.k.a Playgirl over there.’

No, I don’t need laxatives, mom.’


Please pretend the earlier text never happened…

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