Chapter 13

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“Tzuyu..?!” Roseanne heard Lisa whisper. Yes, it was a fucking whisper, over the blaring sound of music and people, and still those words were clearly delivered to her very attentive ears.

“Wh-what are you doing here?! How did-“

Roseanne’s gaze moved from Lisa to Tzuyu, just in time to catch the woman mouth some gibberish and then throw Jisoo’s name into the mix.

Somi stepped in. Probably an effort to damage control before matters escalated out of hand. But it was futile. Because the way Lisa was staring at this petite, absolutely stunning woman (much to Roseanne’s dismay), urged questions and insecurities to erupt like wildfire within her. Whatever history these two had; whatever story and memories they shared, Roseanne understood that it had been more than a one-night stand for either party. 

“Tzuyu…” Lisa whispered again. And just like the last time, it felt as if there was a tiny bulldozer wreaking havoc inside Roseanne’s tightening chest. There was a tenderness in the way Lisa said her name; a tenderness she had felt everytime Lisa would say hers. “I-I… wow, you’re really here…”

Roseanne’s heart fluttered when she noted how Lisa’s tone and body language insinuated that the surprise, albeit one that shocked the brunette to a stuttering, stumbling mess, wasn’t being received as an unwelcomed one. Lisa’s eyes hadn’t drifted since they locked to Tzuyu’s, who still had her claws on Lisa’s arm, traveling lower until she reached her hand.

“Jen…” Roseanne croaked. It was too much. Too fucking much and why, she didn’t even know. Whatever was being transmitted between the pair via their connected gaze was not something Roseanne was prepared, and much less willing, to further witness.

She tried to push away, tried to peel herself from this agonizing moment. Scolding herself for even experiencing these feelings. She shouldn’t. She knows better. She’s been through hell before because she chose love over all else. No, she wouldn’t do it again. She wouldn’t survive that again.

Jennie was pulling her away in moment’s notice. Dragging her towards some uninhabited corner of this forsaken mess of heated bodies. Roseanne thought she heard Lisa call out her name behind her, but she didn’t turn. She refused to. It hadn’t even been an hour since they arrived and already she had witnessed more of Lisa’s past than she ever cared to.

Jennie pushed her into a bathroom, dragging out the couple making out inside by the hair and slamming the door shut. It was quieter in here. Speech was easier to divulge in, but the shouting and screaming unfolding in her dazed head made it difficult to concentrate on anything else.

“Rosie, wanna go? I can have the car come for us right now. We can wait in here until it arrives.”

Roseanne nodded, pressing two fingers down on her stinging eyes. Keep it together, Park. Don’t let her see you like this. She’s not worth it… She’s not worthy.

It wasn’t Jennie Roseanne referred to. “Who the fuck is that… Jennie, do you know?!”

Jennie shook her head, running a soothing hand over Roseanne’s upper arm. “I don’t think she matters. Roseanne, she clearly didn’t come here invited by Lisa. Her cousin, the bitch from hell, invited her… Lisa seemed just as surprised about it as you.”

Roseanne nodded, more mechanical than from understanding. “It doesn’t matter… I’m ok. I’m alright. Let’s just go.” She meant it. She felt ‘fine’. The alcohol, finally taking effect, was numbing her into acceptance.

A few moments later, they exited the restroom, Roseanne towing behind Jennie and bowing her head low the second she saw the line of angry faces glare at them. Before she had a chance to walk a yard towards the exit of the building, a hand wrapped around hers, stopping her in her track.

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