Chapter 22

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“They’re here! They’re here!” Somi raced out to where everyone gathered outside in the massive yard, motioning for everyone to be silent. “They just pulled up!”

Axel was the first one to reach them, followed by a small girl Roseanne had never met before, and then, stumbling out with a handful of bags and a rather nagging attitude, came Lisa.

“Surprise!” All voices united to congratulate the shocked, surprised brunette the second she made sense of the scene. Lisa audibly gasped, dropping the bags she carried as she brought her hands up to her face.

“Eeek! My cupcakes!” Axel squealed, realizing the soft and fragile pastries could not have survived the fall.

“Congratulations, my girl!” Tiffany broke from the crowd and enveloped the motionless Lisa in an unbreathable hug. “I’m so damn proud of you!”

Everyone followed suit, taking turns congratulating Lisa and one another. Roseanne was last to approach her, purposefully waiting until everyone else had their moment.

When she finally approached, she did so with a sly look and a mischievous smirk that screeched danger. “Hey there, girlfriend…” She husked, allowing herself to be pulled by slender fingers at the waist. “Oh, and don’t freak but everyone already knows… Tiffany sorta blabbed. Oops.” Roseanne tried to look as apologetic as necessary, fully aware that apologetic was the furthest thing she felt.

Lisa laughed. “Oh, Tiffany blabbed, huh?” The brunette spoke, pulling Roseanne closer. “Then I guess they won’t mind if I show my new girlfriend the love and affection she deserves.” Lisa kissed her shamelessly, as if they were the only two souls present. “I sorta blabbed to Axel. Hope that was ok… He was extremely enthusiastic, to say the least.”

“Of course he is. The kid has been rooting for you since day one.” Roseanne mocked, rolling her eyes as Lisa’s smugness started to pierce through. “No one else ever even stood a chance in his eyes…”

“Well… I’m glad he made you see I’m worth a shot…” Lisa breathed out warmly.

Roseanne shook her head. “Axel didn’t show me that. You did.”
Lisa figured that statement should be answered with another kiss.

“You look absolutely breathtaking, you know that…” The brunette rasped by her ear, kissing the skin just beneath the lobe. “That’s a very naughty black dress you have on…”

Roseanne gently slapped her shoulder. “Behave… there’re children around.”

Lisa shrugged, placing a kiss lower down her neck. “Jennie is the only child here we need to worry about.”


Lisa sighed. “Speaking of the devil…”

“Hey! Who’s the girl?!” Jennie demanded, pointing with a stern finger. “What’s she doing being nice to Axel? No one is nice to the brat but me!”

Roseanne followed Jennie’s gaze, and sure enough, the girl was hand-feeding a grinning Axel chocolate-covered strawberries.

“Oh! Sorry, forgot to introduce. Roseanne, Jennie meet Bricia. That’s Axel’s little girlfriend!” Her tone was light and cheerful, which apparently was a huge mistake.

“She’s WHAT?!” Roseanne and Jennie responded in synchrony, eyes widening at the revelation.

“Er... well, Axel likes her. And she appears to like him back. He wants to ask her out. You know… to go steady.”

Jennie was practically fuming. “Oh, the only thing about to go steady is my foot up her-“

“He’s TEN!” Roseanne interrupted (thankfully). “He’s a KID! You encouraged this?!”

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