Chapter 9

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Lisa swore she wasn’t gonna be like this. Like some rattled schoolgirl in the presence of their favorite celebrity. She told herself…no, commanded herself to keep her wits about her. To remain cool and focused in order to ensure the plans of their date unfolded without any kinks or hiccups. Even as she walked up Roseanne’s front porch steps and her index jammed into the doorbell she reminded herself over and over again that she got this.

You’re a Manoban, dammit! Just be yourself and no matter what happens, just keep it cool.

Yea, that theory just about flew out the window the moment her eyes found Roseanne, and she felt her insides do a little dance before nearly succumbing to a self-induced coma. Holy tits! Was all her brain could recite in her fuzzy head, over and over and over again. Get a grip you fucking perv! Eyes on her face, EYES ON HER FACE!

But alas, her eyes kept gravitating towards the rather impressive chest and the instant Roseanne was within her reach, she just had to shove the bouquet at her chest to give her some much needed distraction. So, she was off to a rocky start.

Being in such a close proximity to Roseanne in the backseat of their transport and that damn delicious perfume of hers was no fucking help either. She took a few deep breaths, desperate to revive some shred of control, and slid closer to the blonde who had both hands resting awkwardly on her lap. She’s nervous too, you useless piece of crap! Take care of her! This is about her so get your fucking act together!

Lisa reached for the divider separating the driver and passenger seat ahead and opened the top, revealing the discreet cooler within. She pulled out the champagne bottle and two glasses, glancing over at Roseanne who merely gawped in awe.

“Wow… that totally reminded me of Harry Potter for some reason. Is this car magical?? Are we going to Hogwarts?” Roseanne smirked, clearly trying to alleviate some of the budding tension.

Lisa giggled, pouring the liquid into each glass and handing one to Roseanne, who smiled in return. “If that’s what you want, beautiful. I’m pretty tight with Albus Dumbledore… I can have him give us a tour of the castle and then we can go see a Quidditch game right after.” She winked; taking a sip of the sweet champagne and feeling herself relax a bit. She scooted closer to the blonde, tempted to reach for her free hand but hesitated.

“So how did you do it? How did you surpass my biology grade? I’m… intrigued.” Roseanne shot the brunette a curious glance, still somewhat irritated that she was stripped of her ‘Highest Exam Grade Received’ streak.

Lisa grinned, downing the champagne before speaking. “Lets just say that for once I had a damn good reason to apply myself and sit my ass down to study.”

She poured herself another glass and topped off Roseanne’s. “Not only did I get this date with you, I also got the chance to give you a taste of what it feels like to not be on top for a change… which I’m hopeful I’ll be able to demonstrate yet again in less of an intellectual manner and more of a physical one sooner rather than later.” Lisa ran her tongue across her bottom lip as she watched Roseanne’s cheeks faintly blush at her promise. Yea, preferably sooner. Much, much sooner.

“One date and you think I’ll give it up that easily? Please, Manoban. You’re gonna have to do a whole lot better to get me to spread my thighs for you.” Roseanne fired back, but her tone held no edge, instead it was laced with humor and a mild challenge.

Lisa’s smile widened, nervousness completely gone and replaced with her usual, self-assured confidence. She leaned in a little, voice dropping to a whisper. “Something tells me you’ll have changed your mind by the end of the night.” As expected, the bluntness left the blonde speechless, and Lisa keened internally at how she brought her glass up to her glossy lips and took a long, needy gulp.

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