Chapter 5

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The following Wednesday, Lisa awoke to the first alarm she set the previous night. Although a huge fan of the snooze button (and on any other occasion she would have pushed snooze a minimum of fifteen times), today she was up before the alarm even had a chance to rouse her, and she hopped excitedly from bed once it spurred to life.

She was prepared today. Her outfit had been decided the previous night, settling for faded jeans, a white, v-neck T beneath a plaid button-up sweater that was at least two sizes too big against her slender frame, and she pulled a red beanie snuggly over her hair. Her school bag was ready and waiting by the door, satisfied with its contents after she triple checked to make sure she had her Biology book this time around.

She was the first to arrive in class that morning, second only to Professor Hans, who eyed her curiously and somewhat skeptically, as she zigzagged her way to her seat.

She placed a large, Starbucks coffee on the desk directly in front of her. She recalled watching Roseanne take careful sips from her coffee the previous class; more intrigued by how her perfect, pink lips wrapped gently around the opening in the cap instead of paying attention to her exam.

It wasn’t hard to track the Starbucks Roseanne frequented; taking an educated guess that it was likely the one on campus. It was even easier to get the piece of information she needed, once she locked eyes with the attractive (and clearly thirsty) brunette working the register, all she had to do was bite her bottom lip mid-smirk and gaze at her from beneath her irresistible lashes, and the girl was putty in her hands. A few harmless flirtatious comments and an “accidental” touch of careless fingers earned Lisa what she had come in there for in the first place. A Venti, Quad, Nonfat, One-Pump, No-Whip, Mocha. Roseanne’s regular order. She made a mental note to ask Roseanne at a future time what the hell that meant.

She was nervous. Leaning back in her seat, book out and opened to some random page. Notebook out and opened to a blank page. She tapped her foot anxiously, nibbling on the cap of her pen as she watched the clock in the far distance tick away minute-after-minute. Each tick spurring her heart to clench a little tighter, a combination of excitement and terror.

Crap, she should be here by now…she’s always early, so where is she?... Ah, fuck, she dropped the class!... Wait no, she can’t do that, can she?... She probably hates me…oh god, why am I such a fucking idiot!... Seriously, is she not coming??... Did I put deodorant on this morning?!... Yea, she definitely hates-

A hand came down hard on her desk then, causing her to snap her eyes upwards only to find angry, frigid chocolate orbs glaring down at her. She’s here! Lisa squealed internally, unable to restrain the smile that formed on her relieved face.

“You over-tipped Monday night.” Roseanne spoke unkindly, lifting her hand to reveal the crumpled bills and sliding it closer to the confused brunette. “I don’t know what kind of girl you may think I am and honestly, I don’t care… but you’re highly mistaken if you think you can buy your way into my pants.”

Lisa’s little fluttering heart stuttered and stalled, sputtering randomly for a few seconds before plummeting to her stomach. “What? No! Roseanne, that was never my intention. Those idiots left without paying you and I just wanted to make sure it was covered!”

Roseanne grew tired from her excuse, turning away from Lisa and wrapping a hand around the cup of coffee on her desk. She placed it back in front of Lisa. “The only thing I want from you, Lisa, is for you to forget me and leave me alone. Whatever little game you’re playing here, leave me out of it.”

Roseanne turned back around right as Professor Hans greeted the class, ruining Lisa’s chances to repair the situation. Her hands were sweating and trembling slightly from the rejection, and she’d be lying to say it didn’t bother her… because right now she wanted nothing more than to wrap her fist around those beautiful golden locks and pull the infuriating woman back and kiss her senseless. She absolutely despised the effect Roseanne was having on her. Lisa wasn’t one to lose control or be whipped around… no, she’s the one who usually does the whipping, figuratively and literally speaking.

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