The Honeymoon (There I go again with "The")

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It was the day that you and Meggy where getting prepared for, your honeymoon. You and Meggy were packing up your luggage.

Meggy: I can't wait to get to Delfino Island.

Y/N: I know, it will be awesome. Just me and you.

You both kissed, then finished packing the luggage. Once you were done you loaded it into a taxi. Pretty soon, you were on your way to the airport. You were eventually able to get on the plane and fly off.

Meggy: Wow, I've never been on a plane before.

Y/N: Yeah, me nether.

You both held each other hand as you flew to Delfino Isle.

(At Delfino Isle)

News Anchor: The hole place is in turmoil!  Ever since someone turned all of our food into sugary pastries, everyone has been getting diabetes! We warn you all to eat as little food as possible until we are able to get some real food.

(Back with You)

Y/N: Three minuets away!

Meggy: Ooh I thing I can see it!

The plane slowly came to a stop on the runway. From there you got on a boat to Delfino Plaza. When you arrived, you saw a shadowy figure standing on a building.

Y/N: Uh oh, that can't be good.

You both kept walking around town looking for the delicious food advertised but all you could find was Little Diabetes products.

Y/N: Man, I thought I was going to get some good food. If I wanted Little Diabetes I could of stayed home.

Meggy: Lemme ask this shop keeper.

She walked over and asked where the food went.

Shopkeeper: Ever since yesterday, all of our food was turned into Little Diabetes products.   Where still trying to find out who did it.

???: How did you not know who it was?

You and Meggy turned behind and saw... Little Debbie.

Little Debbie: You shall all perish, FROM DIABETES!!!

(Yikes its diabetes attack.)  

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