The dogo

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You and Meggy were siting on the couch watching Jeebus Park Part 2: Revenge of Jeebo.

(Y/N): This show is the best.

Meggy: indeed

Smg4 walked in the room

Smg4: First you watch Jeebus Park without me, now part 2!

(Y/N): Sorry man, you were busy making memes

Smg4: so!

Then the door bell rang

Meggy: Ill get it

(Y/N) OK my love

Meggy opened the door

Meggy: mmm? there is no one here

Then she heard a little bark

Meggy: hu?... A doggy!

(Y/N): looks like a puppy

Meggy: I can't believe someone would just leave him here. welp, guess its mine now.

Meggy held the puppy in the air. Text popped up, Dog acquired

(Y/N): What will you name it?

Meggy: Doge

Smg4: Well makes sence, he is a Shibaenoo

Meggy hugged it

Meggy: I love you Doge!

Tots ran down the stairs.

Tots: guys! you have got to see this video I made!

(Y/N) Sure

Meggy: Ummmmm...

Smg4: Its... Its beautiful

Tots: I know right!

Smg4: Show me your secret

They walked of into Smg4's room and got to work

(Y/N): There they go

Meggy: Lets play Doge!

(Man, this chapter was a THROBBING BANGER!!!)

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