Hotel Mario

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You and Meggy were sitting in the back of Tots car.

Tots: Lets turn the radio on.

Tots turned on the radio and Space Jam came on

Jake: My jam!

All of you started singing and the car was bouncing

Everyone: Come on and slam! And welcome to the jam! Come on and slam, if you wanna jam!

Tots: aw crap. The car is on E.

(Y/N): I'll call up the boiz.

You called up Smg4 and told him that we need a gas station.

Smg4: Ok. I heard there was a nice hotel up here. We can probably find a hotel near here.

(Y/N): Okey doki

Tots stopped the car and filled up the car with gas. You looked up and right next to the gas station there was a hotel.

(Y/N): Guys I found a hotel.

Smg4: what is it called?

(Y/N): Hotel Mario

Smg4: WHAT!!!

Meggy: Well at least it is somewhere to stay.

All of you walked into the hotel and saw weird Hotel Mario memes everywhere

Smg4: Mabe this won't be so bad after all.

Mario: walked in and saw a spaghetti buffet

Mario: I'm in heaven

You and Meggy walked down the hall and saw a dance floor with a karaoke machine.

(Y/N): I know what we are doing later

Meggy: definently

Tari: Look! There is a gaming competition going on!  I have to join!

Tari ran over to the tormemet.

Tots: This is going  to  be  a long night

(Sorry this character is so short. My keyboard died and it sucks wrighting with out it.)

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