A Sticky Sitation

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You, Meggy, Mario, and Smg4 were at Walmart looking at the electronic section. Smg4 was looking at computors, Mario was checking if there were any spagetti phone cases, and Meggy and you were looking at switch games.

Meggy: I dunno, Mario Kart live is pretty cool, but I need a new controller, my started drifting yesterday.

Y/N: Mmm... Mario Kart Live is pretty cool but you can't play without a properly working controller. I got some money for selling baked beans on ebay, so if you bought the controller I would be able to buy two Mario Kart Lives.

Meggy: Ok sounds good! I think I will buy this orange holographic controller.

You both grabbed your items and payed for them at the counter.

Smg4 was having trouble deciding wether or not he even needed a new computor anymore, and Mario strayed off to the art section.

Mario: If they won't sell me a spagetti phone case I will just have too make my own.

Mario grabbed some chungus glue and met back up with everyone.

Smg4: Every one find what we needed?

Everyone nodded and you all went home.

Mario rushed into the basement and Smg4 just walked back to his room empty handed.

Meggy: I wonder what Mario bought?

Y/N: I have no idea. While the karts are charging, what do you say we check it out?

Meggy nodded and the two of you went to the basement. As you both walked down the hallways, you found Mario gluing spagetti to his phone with his nose stuck to the wall.

Y/N: Jeebus Christ Mario what did you do?!

Mario: I was gluing spagetti to my phone cause the walmart man didin't have a spagetti phone case and now meh face is stuck to a wall.

Meggy: Oof, I'll get a butter knife to scrape it off or something.

She ran up to the kitchen to get the needed supplies. Meanwhile, you walked over to Mario to see if you could just pull him off but, little did you know there was glue all over the floor.

Y/N: You have got to be kidding me.

Now both of yall were stuck to the glue unable to move. Meggy eventually got back down empty handed.

Meggy: Apparenty we don't have a butter knife... did both of you seriously get stuck here?

Y/N: Yeah... I tried to just pull Mario of but the floor is covered.

Meggy: Wow, what kind of glue did you use?

Mario: Chungus Glue.

You and Meggy's eyes opened super wide.

Meggy: You didin't say Chungus, did you?

Mario: I did. Why?

Y/N: That is the strongest glue ever to exist. It's band in ten countries due to how dangerous it is.

Mario: Le crap.

Y/N: So what are we gonna do now?

Meggy: I may have an idea.

She ran upstairs and dialed a certain someone up on the phone.

Meggy: So, you up for the challenge?

???: Of course.

Meggy stayed upstirs and waited by the door. The person can relativly fast for someone his size. Meggy opened the door and Big Chungus was ready to go.

She took him down to the basement where you and Mario were.

Y/N: Nice! Big Chungus' feet are immune to the glue.

Big Chungus was going to use his feet to knock you both off the wall/floor, but he could't resist. The position Mario was in. His booty was outward a little bit, likly due to getting tired of standing.

Chungus: My minds telling me no. But my body! My body! It's telling me heheha!

Chungus went over to Mario and slapped dat ass.

Chungus: Boi he thicc!... I just shit my pants.


Mario: I had to wipe excess glue somewhere.

Meggy: But I thought Big Chungus was imune to the glue.

Y/N: Only his feet cause that's what the glue is made of.

Meggy: Oh...

Y/N: Now what are we gonna do?

Tots walked down the stairs to see what was going on and all he saw was you with your foot stuck in spagetti, Mario's nose tuck to the wall, and Big Chungus' hand stuck to Mario's ass.

Tots: What is happening here?

Y/N: Well you see...

Tots: Don't tell me. I don't think I want to know.

Meggy: Hey Tots, haven't you been working on a teleporting ability?

Tots: Why yes, but I haven't perfected it. I have no control of where I will teleport to.

Meggy: Hmmm, that might be a problem, but do you think you can teleport them out of the glue or something like that?

Tots: Yeah I can. Mabye we can teleport them into a bath tub to wash of the glue.

Tots walked over to you and teleported you all to a random location. Suprisingly right into a bath tub that was empty.

Y/N: Wow first try.

Tots: I must be perfecting it.

You washed of all the glue and everything was back to normal.

Mario: Finally no more Chungus touching mah ass.

Tots: Now that that is over let's go home.

You opened the door to go outide and back home but all you saw Jimmy Newtron riding Shrek into the ocean singing ocean man.

Y/N: Thats not something you see every day.

Mario: I see that alot in the back allys of the Spagetti Factory.

Tots: Let's teleport again.

All yall teleported to a new location and now you saw Kirmit killing miss piggy.

Another teleport led you to a world made of Peptobismo.
It took quite awhile before you teleported anywhere close to home but when you arived you were glad to be home.

Meggy: I see you guys got unstuck! Wait, why do you all look like you have seen Jimmy Newtron riding Shrek into the ocean singing ocean man?

Tots: Because we did.

Meggy: Oh... Well Mario Kart Live charged up Y/N!

Y/N: Sweet, at least there is a happy ending to this day. Wait where is Big Chungus?

(With Big Chungus)

Kirmit: Your next you thicc bunny.

Chungus: Ahhhhhhhh!!!

(Back with you)

Tots: I'm sure he's fine.

(That was the biggest story ever! Let me know if you want more big chapters or if you wantt small ones in the comments. Bye!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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