Shrunk (Fans included!)

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Meggy: Are we shrunk!

(Y/N): I think we are. We better get the others

You both slowly ran to the castle

(Y/N): How are we gonna get into the castle!

Meggy: I guess we will have to wait until the door opens

(Two hours later)

(Y/N): doesn't anyone need to go outside!

The door suddenly creeped open

Smg4: Anyone here? I thought I heard something

Meggy: down here

Smg4 looked down at you both

Smg4: What the heck happened to you two

(Y/N): Smg3 Shrunk us

Meggy: Is there any way to fix this?

Smg4: well I know a guy, but it will take me awhile to get there.  Here I'll set you guys on the table

Smg4 set you on the table   

Smg4: I'll be right back

(Here is where you come in. Let's see who can send the funniest meme or vine to my email The winner chooses the name!
Also you have until tomorrow night.  Good luck!)

Meggy x Reader Where stories live. Discover now