I don't know

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You along with everyone else were walking in some tall grass in search of pokemon.

(Y/N): Come on, it should not be this hard.

Meggy: I found one!

(Y/N): You can do it!

Meggy sent out her bulbasaur to attack the wild pokemon

Meggy: use leaf blade!

The bulbasaur sent leaves out of a little flower on its back. The leaves hit the wild pokemon causing it to faint.

Meggy: Yes!

She threw a poke ball at it, catching it.

Tots: Not to ruin anyones fun but, I found out this is Leaf Green version and, I know some cheat codes to instantly win

(Y/N): Oh. OK

Tots IMported the cheat code and you were instantly back home

Smg4: THat sucks

Meggy: HEy at least we are back to normal size

(Y/N): Hey look, I still have my pokemon

Smg4: Sweet.

(Tiss a small chapter, but, I have something exciting coming up... I'm making my own smg4 video!  It won't lrt me show the review here though, so... I bet you can't wait till it comes out!)

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