half way baby

721 7 2

Tots was driving the hot rod down the highway with you and Meggy in the back

Tots: I love this thang!

Meggy: its starting to get dark.

(Y\N): yah, we should start searching for a hotel to stay in.

Smg4 called

Smg4: there is this hotel at the next exit that has spaghetti so Mario wants to stay there

(Y\N): OK sounds good

Tots pulled in to the hotel and say glitchy.

Smg4: finally the half way point

Jake: finely no more peach staring up my ass

Luigi: - man, I thought I had a death stare -

Smg4: well I'm gonna go check in

Mario: who wants to find the restaurant?

Everyone besides smg4: me!

Y'all walked down the hall of the hotel

Mario: Humhe u boombubu bing bang bada bada bang bang

(Y\N): Mario shut up! You to loud!

Luigi: I think I see it!

Meggy: finally, I'm starved

You walked in and saw smg4 eating

Mario: you started without us!

(Y\N): not cool man

Smg4: well at least you all have a room, each one has two single beds

Jake: sweet

Smg4: Boopkins, you'll share with Bob. Tari, and saiko. Me and Tots, Mario and Toad, (Y\N) and Meggy, and Jake and Peach.

Jake: someone, please kill me

Y'all finished eating and went to you rooms

Meggy: I'm glad I get to share a room with you (Y\N)

(Y\N): - blushing - hehehe thanks

Meggy: I feel bad for Jake

(Y\N): yah, poor Jake

Meggy yawned followed by you

Meggy: goodnight

(Y\N): goodnight

You all fell asleep.

(Y\N): - Meggy sure is beautiful -

Before you knew it, it was morning

Meggy slowly got up

Meggy: ah just think of it, today we will all be at the ocean

(Y\N): yah the ocean is so beautiful, like you...

You and Meggy started blushing like crazy

(Y\N): um I'm gonna start packing

Meggy: giggle- ok

Smg3: eeeeeewwww! Disgustang!

Smg3 was looking through the window. A bird then hit him

Smg3: shhhhhhiiiittt!

(Y\N): what the hell was that?

Meggy: I don't, know

Smg4: ready to go?

(Y\N) and Meggy: yah!

(Oooh thing are getting spicy!)

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