The ocean

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Y'all get into your assigned ve-hicle and drive off

Tots: I can't wait to get there

Meggy: me to

(Y\N): to bad you won't be able to go swimming Meggy

Meggy: it's ok I'm used to it

Tots: don't worry, I have special lotion you can put on to go in the water

Meggy: really! Thanks Tots

(Y\N): I can teach you to swim

Meggy: thanks (Y\N).

(Y\N): no problem

Boopkins: when are we gonna get there?

Smg4: about 3 hours with breaks

Tari: ok. Who wants to play Mario Cart?

Luigi: sure

They started racing around the track in shopping carts. (This is a real game, just look up Mario Cart and you can start thinking about your life)

Mario: are you guys playing Mario Cart?

Tari: yah, wanna play?

Mario: hell yah!

Mario jumped out of the hot rod and into the bus

Boopkins: hey Bob want to watch anime

Bob: HeLl YaH

They started watching... ANIME

You and Meggy were sitting in the other car talking

(Y\N): so, you like jazz?

Meggy: yah it pretty cool

Jake: peach please, I'm begging you stop staring at me

Peach continued to stare at Jake

Jake: I'm scared

-in your car-

Meggy: -yawn- I'm getting sleepy. I didn't get much sleep, I was to excited

(Y\N): yah I'm a little sleepy to

You both fell asleep. Eventually your heads leaned on each other. Tots turned around

Tots: hey (Y\N)...

Tots started to giggle

( two hours later )

Tots: ok guys were here

You both wake up and realize what had happened. Both of you started blushing like crazy. Tots was laughing up front

Tots: were here

Y'all looked at the house.

Tari: it's so big

Smg4: three floors

Boopkins: let's go choose our rooms

All y'all went and chose your rooms and unpacked

(Y\N): let's go to the beach!

Everyone went down to the beach

(Y\N): its huge!

Tots tossed the lotion to Meggy

Meggy: thanks Splattertots

Tots: no problemo

Smg4 sat down in a lounge chair and started making memes

(Y\N): let's go in the ocean

You, Tots, and Meggy jumped in the ocean

(Y\N): I'll teach you how to swim Meggy

Meggy: ok

Smg3 was looking in the background.

Smg3: eeewww disgustang, looks like I'm going to have to find a way to reck this vacation

(Oh boi)

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