25) An out of place Malfoy

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Happy almost Christmas! I have decided to spend the holidays at the Weasley's this year. I'm sorry, I know we always celebrate it together. However; they have told me you can come join us! Please, before you say no, consider it. I would really like it if you and their family got along better. I don't want to miss you and you know I will. It's just.. safer.
Do it for me? Also: bring Myron.


Eleanor licked the envelope shut and handed it to the owl who was neatly perched on the window seat. She retrieved a treat for the small, furry animal and it flew off.

"You asked him, then?" Fred entered the room and placed a kiss on Eleanor's temple. The twins were showing even more affection towards the girl, now they had finally spoken their true feelings.

"I did.. And you're sure your parents are okay with it? It'd be terribly awkward if Dray showed up and—"

Eleanor couldn't finish her sentence before Fred cuddled her from behind and closed his arms around her waist.
"Absolutely sure. He saved your life the other day.. Noah may also have told them that Draco is lonely, in that big house, all by himself. I think they pity him."

El hummed and leaned her head against his collarbone, her hands intertwining with Fred's.
Together they watched the snow fall out of the window. The girl had always hated the cold, preferred to wear dresses and skirts and not having to bother to dress up in a jacket, but she just loved the sight of fresh fallen snow.

"Dinner's ready!" Molly shouted from the other room and both teens sighed and broke the hold on each other.

"There he is! My favorite Slytherin boy!" Eleanor squealed before wrapping her arms around Draco, who had just appeared from the fireplace.

"Hey! What about me?" Noah said grumpily from the other side of the living room.
"Oh, shut it!" Eleanor replied. 

Of course, Draco had said yes. He had doubted it for a second; the family wasn't too pleased to see him the last time he had joined their table.. But he didn't wanted to spend the holiday's alone, not when Eleanor and him had spend it the last couple of years together.

Both twins slapped Draco on the shoulder.
"Welcome, Draco."

Fred had warmed up to the boy, especially after their conversation around the fire place a few months ago. Draco did his best to be kind to them whenever he saw the twins around Hogwarts, sometimes even sparked up a light conversation when there was no one else in the hallway.

It was harder for George. The younger twin didn't quite trust him yet. Still associated him with his dad who had caused a lot of hurt and harm to the Weasley's. He tried, though. He tried for Eleanor.

"So glad you could make it! How are you? Did you miss me? Where's Myron?" The questions started flooding out of Eleanor's mouth and Draco chuckled.

"Deep breaths, El. I'm fine.. I was actually really glad to receive your letter, mum and dad are off to.. Merlin knows where.. So I was all alone and that answers your other question as well, I missed you so much.. The manor feels really cold and lonely without your presence," Draco told Eleanor, Fred and George who looked at the boy with pity in their eyes. "Oh! And!" Draco handed her a case where the chubby black, white and ginger cat was sat in.
"He's been great company. A really good listener, it's a pity he only knows one word." Myron meowed at that and the four laughed.

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