4) Funny boys

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It was one day after the goblet had been lit, Eleanor just had dinner at the Great Hall and now she was on her way to Filch's office for detention

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It was one day after the goblet had been lit, Eleanor just had dinner at the Great Hall and now she was on her way to Filch's office for detention. She was absolutely dreading it and was a little mad at herself for allowing this to happen, she never in all of her years at Hogwarts had gotten detention.

She knocked on the door and the grumpy man opened with a frown on his face, which seemed to be permanent.

"Ah, miss Wilson. Just on time."

Eleanor peeked behind him and saw a simple small room with a single oil lamp hanging from the ceiling, giving the room an eerie look. There were big filing cabinets with the names of the Hogwarts houses on it. She also noticed there being a cabinet with two names on it. She squinted a little and could make out "Fred & George Weasley", she remembered hearing those names before but she could not remember where.

Chains and manacles were hung on the wall and Eleanor shivered. It was common knowledge that Filch had begged Dumbledore a lot for him to hang students by their ankles on them as a punishment.

"Am I the only one, sir?" Eleanor asked and she dreaded the idea of her spending the evening alone with Filch.

"Certainly not," Filch grumbled and he grabbed two buckets and some cleaning supplies. Eleanor released a breath, she was really scared they would be going to the Forbidden Forrest but it seemed like luck was in her favor.

"They are late," Filch talked to himself and Eleanor didn't reply.

She heard loud footsteps behind her and when she turned around she saw the two boys who tried getting their names into the goblet but failed. They were out of breath and stopped in front of Eleanor and Filch, who was glaring at them.

"You're late!" He shouted and the boys grinned, clearly not giving a damn they had made the older man mad. It seemed like they were used to it.

The left one turned around and looked Eleanor up and down which made her irritated. "And who are you, love?" He asked with a smirk.

Before Eleanor could reply Filch had shoved the buckets in their hands and pushed the boys away for him to lock his office. "This is Miss Wilson, now go on!" He gestured to the trophy room and the boys followed him like they had done this before. Eleanor awkwardly walked behind them.

"You know the drill boys, clean till I'm able to see my reflection," Filch snarled at the boys and ignored Eleanor. She was standing behind the boys and decided this was the perfect moment to sneak away and return to her dorm. She wasn't cleaning, that would take ages!

Eleanor slowly turned around and tried her best to tip toe away as softly she could, but she heard one of the boys laugh behind her. "Nice try."

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