14) Sun & Flying

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"What are you doing?" Eleanor looked up and met Fred's eyes. She was sat at the Black Lake, her back against a big rock and her Potions book in her lap. The weather had finally warmed up a little and she was soaking up all the sun rays she could get. Pansy was snoozing next to her on her back in the tall green grass.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Eleanor laughed and the boy took a seat next to her. He glanced at Pansy and Eleanor smiled. "It's fine. She knows, she won't tell anyone."

"Just try and not be annoying," Pansy mumbled in her half asleep state and the two laughed. Fred pecked Eleanor's cheek and Eleanor rested her head on his shoulder. "Me? Annoying? Never."

"I missed you," Fred whispered in her ear and Eleanor shivered softly. "You're always busy or spending time with Malfoy."

"Are you jealous?" Eleanor smirked and she gently poked his side. "Of course I'm jealous! You should be spending time with me— us, not with Malfoy," Fred said and Eleanor wondered for a moment if he was being serious. He knew there was nothing going on between the two, right? She had told him before. She looked him in the eyes and she saw the happy mischief sparkle that always seemed to be there and realized he was joking. Relieved was an understatement.

Fred tried kissing her but Eleanor pulled away from him. "Freddie.. We can't.. They can't see us." Fred frowned for a moment before his eyes lit up again. He removed his red and gold striped scarf and wrapped it around the blonde girls neck. He glanced to Pansy and noticed the rock was covering her from sight.

Eleanor finally captured her lips with Fred's and he immediately cupped her jaw with his hand, softly stroking her cheek. The kiss was slow and tender and they deepened it after a while, their tongues fighting for dominance. Eleanor shot up and softly bit Fred's tongue on accident which made him moan when she felt two arms cuddle her from behind. "Don't stop on my behalf," George said and Eleanor and Fred laughed. "Red looks good on you, Ellie. You should wear it more often."

George's legs were placed on either side of the girl and she leaned back against his chest, his arms still curled around her and his hands resting on her lap. If someone were to walk by it would just look like the two boys were on their own.

"Hi Pansy," George said politely. "Hello other Weasley," She replied back.

Fred softly pecked Eleanor's lips and took her hand in his lap. A little bit jealous his brother decided to ruin their fun. He found it hard to get some alone time with Eleanor because of George demanding it too and he wasn't sure how to handle that. They had to discuss this, Fred figured.

Eleanor once again dropped her head on Fred's shoulder and happily sighed and stared at the lake in front of her. She could hear Pansy hum a song she did not know and Eleanor's thoughts slowly drifted away. She was thinking about how happy these boys were making her feel and how every day the feelings intensified. She thought back on how Noah interrogated her after their hangout in the Gryffindor common room.

"You can't be serious, Els! Fred and George? I mean, I love them; they're like my brothers but—" Noah whisper shouted at her as they were heading back to their own common room in the Dungeons. "It's not like I chose for this, did I?" Eleanor angrily whispered back and she could see her brother relax. "No, I know. I'm sorry— really I am! Don't look at me that way. Just be careful, please?" Noah had grabbed her hand as they walked and he was squeezing it softly, his eyes big and scared.

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