38) Sleepover with the "girls"

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"Pans! Ems!" Eleanor shouted a second after arriving in Pansy's house

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"Pans! Ems!" Eleanor shouted a second after arriving in Pansy's house.

It wasn't as big as Chateau Wilson or Malfoy Manor but it was huge none the less.

Eleanor engulfed her two favorite Slytherin girls in a hug and stepped aside so Draco and Noah could greet them. She had introduced Noah and Emmy a day after their meeting and Noah got along great with Emmy, which pleased Eleanor.

"I have so much to tell you, it's been too long since I last saw you!" Pansy excitedly said.

"A week and a half," Grumbled Noah sarcastically but nobody paid attention to him.

Pansy lead them from the living room through a long corridor, up a massive stair and into another room that resembled a small apartment. In the corner a king bed with about a dozen pillows and in the far left a comfortable sofa with 4 seats. Her windows, that almost covered the entire wall, looked over the pristine green garden, a balcony with chairs and a table already loaded with several beverages.

The brunette girl opened the door in one of the windows and ushered them outside, they all took a seat at the table and got themself comfortable. Blankets were hanging on the chair sides in case someone got cold but Eleanor decided she didn't need one. It was only July and the sun was glowing, a small soft breeze tickling her skin.

"So, what's the big news?" Eleanor asked and Pansy immediately started beaming, her face almost broke because of her smile.

"Welll.." Pansy clapped in her hands. "Luna asked me to be her girlfriend!"

Emmy shot up, she didn't know either. "Please tell me you said yes."

She groaned when Eleanor flicked her on the head. "Of course she said yes. Luna is wonderful!"

Eleanor never would've guessed she would say something like that about someone other than in the Slytherin house.

"Yeah, I said yes," Pansy blushed. "I really like her, you know. I know Luna's different, she doesn't like being attached to someone or something. She's a free spirit, so I didn't expect her to ask me.. Even though we have been dating for a few months now. I didn't want to pressure her into something she wasn't ready for."

"I'm happy for you, Pans," Draco told her and everyone agreed. "Does Luna have a.. Soulmate?"

"No, she does not.. I know I do not have one either but it feels as if Luna's mine. She brings out the best in me."

Emmy spoke up. "You deserve it, Pansy! However.. I don't think every soulmate is right for one another. I can't speak for myself, Dan is my soulmate and I can't imagine myself with someone else but there are some cases.." Her eyes flickered to Draco. "Where it just doesn't work."

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