9) Stupid boys

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"When you're in love, you're capable of learning everything and knowing things you had never dared even to think, because love is the key to understanding of all the the mysteries

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"When you're in love, you're capable of learning everything and knowing things you had never dared even to think, because love is the key to understanding of all the the mysteries."
– Paulo Coelho

As always Eleanor Wilson was found on the window seat in the Slytherin common room. Myron was snuggled on her lap while Eleanor's feet were perched on Draco's legs. They were in deep conversation about home work— arguing more because Eleanor was once again not bothered to do it and Draco as usual, was scolding her about it. Myron was purring loudly as Eleanor scratched behind his black and orange ears.

Tomorrow was the second Triwizard Task. It had been 5 months since she had celebrated her 15th birthday and had her first "conversation" with her soulmates and she still had no clue who they were. It wasn't fair her soulmates had found out her identity.

"Her name's Astoria Greengrass. You know who she is right?" Draco asked Eleanor and she nodded. Draco had finally found out who his soulmate was a few days ago and he was telling Eleanor about it. Eleanor was happy for him even though Draco told the girl he was not interested in meeting Astoria. He didn't tell her he was still hung up on Eleanor but let's face it—they both knew.

"She's nice. I've spoken to her a few times," Eleanor gave Draco a soft reassuring smile. She hoped that this would change Draco's feelings for her but he didn't even reply back to Astoria's scribble on his arm after he found out her name. The git.

"I guess she is," Draco mumbled and Eleanor softly kicked him.

"Hey! Give her a chance, will you? She's your soulmate!"

"You found your soulmate then? That's good, you can finally lay off Ell!" A voice jokingly appeared next to them and the duo turned around to face Eleanor's older brother Noah. He was smiling at the two but they both heard he had meant it.

"Never," Draco replied back jokingly and squinted his eyes which made all three of them laugh.

Eleanor scooted over to make place for her brother and Myron jumped happily on his lap, he had always preferred  Noah over Eleanor even though he was her cat. She didn't mind, she loved Noah anyway.

"I think I know who your soulmates are," Noah turned to face his little sister and Eleanor's eyes widened in shock. "No way! Who?" She practically shouted and Draco and Noah both winced from the volume that came out of her mouth.

"Dean Thomas and Lee Jordan," Noah confidently said and Eleanor stopped playing with her ring— the one Draco had gotten her for her birthday. A habit she had picked up whenever she got nervous.

"Lee Jordan has already found his soulmate," Draco said and his eyes flickered to Eleanor. "Dean as well. Bloody hell, Noah. You should know this, you hang out with them all the time!" Eleanor punched the boy in the arm which scared Myron and he jumped off, trudging off to the boys common room. He loved sleeping on Draco's bed, even though Draco hated it when he did that— he claimed the hair the cat shed would make him sneeze a lot. Probably the reason why Myron kept doing it, torturing the young Slytherin boy.

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