42) The plan

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Eleanor was gone

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Eleanor was gone.

Pansy had kissed her on the cheek goodbye. Reassured her that she would fix it. She was going to fix it and Eleanor believed her. El had been gone for 12 hours now and Pansy was in a state. She didn't know what was going on with her best friend, if she was hurt, if she was crying, screaming. She just didn't know.. But she was determined to make it better.

The brunette girl sighed deeply and then stepped into the fireplace. Her hand on her heart, willing it to stop beating so fast. It hadn't stopped hammering since Eleanor left her house. Pansy was beyond scared.

Pansy dropped the floo powder into the flames and she swished away.

The room she landed in was dark and empty. There was no one there.

"Hello?!" Pansy called out but she didn't receive a response.

She made her way into the cosy livingroom. Coffee mugs were placed on the kitchen table and shoes were neatly placed underneath coats. It was sunny and light outside but the room resembled anything but.. It almost felt cold.

"Anyone there?" Pansy tried again.

Silence. Absolute silence.

Maybe they were downstairs, she thought. She had never been here but she figured that the big white door in the middle of the room would be the correct one. Pansy walked to it and twisted the handle. Immediately there were voices, multiples ones. She was correct.

She descended the stairs in a hurry and almost knocked down the door.

"Pansy?" The tall man asked.

"Fred! Or is it George?" She asked, her eyes wide and manic.

"I'm Fred. What is going on? Is there something wrong with Ellie?" The ginger looked panicked, perhaps just as panicked as Pansy was feeling.

"I need Noah. Where is he?"

"He's upstairs," Fred pointed up with his wand where Pansy saw Noah's smiling face talking to a customer. His blond hair moving as he talked and explained a product. "Is Eleanor okay?"

Pansy shushed him with her hand. Not sparing a look at Fred as she ran up the stairs where she rudely knocked into the customer. "Sorry," She said to the woman. "Noah, I need you. Now."

He understood her. He knew that panicked face and he excused himself to the woman before following Pansy. She led him back to the door where she just barged out off. Fred was still standing there with a confused look on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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