12) Memories

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"The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost

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"The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost."
– G.K. Chesterton

Life had been pretty good since Eleanor had given Fred & George a chance. They surprised her every day, with how much love they had to give, with how funny and caring they were and Eleanor was pretty sure she didn't deserve them— especially because she was struggling to return the love, she was still too scared of being caught and getting hurt. Not by the boys, obviously they had shown Eleanor that they cared for her endlessly but by her parents. She remembered clear as day what they had done to Noah and he was only friends with the Gryffindor boys.

"Stop! Dear god, please stop!" Eleanor cried. Fat tears rolling down her cheeks as she fell on her knees clutching the blonde older boy to her body, trying to keep him from hurting but Noah's screams were echoing through the dark, big, cold mansion. Eleanor grabbed Noah's hand and pulled his head to her shoulder, trying to muffle his screams and hoping it would ease his pain but it wasn't working. "You're hurting him!" She screamed and looked up at her parents. Their father was pointing his wand at the boy with a menacing cold smile on his face, their mother was cowardly hiding behind her husband.

"E-Eleanor!" Noah screamed, grabbing at her body. Trying to crawl away from the unforgivable curse their father was casting on him. He had been doing it for almost 10 minutes now and Eleanor could clearly see the boy was close to breaking. His body making moves she didn't know was possible. "I'm here, Noah," She whispered, kissing his sweaty head and pushed away the wet hair from his forehead. It was hard to cuddle the boy since he was struggling and screaming so much; she wasn't even sure the boy could hear her promising words.

"Crucio," Mr. Wilson boomed again and Noah's screaming became harder.

"Stop it! I'm begging you father, please!" Eleanor once again yelled at her father and tried to look into his eyes. It surprised how cold and love-less they were. She was used to him not giving a damn about his children but this was on another level. Eleanor saw the hatred he had for her older brother. And for what?! For being friends with people outside of the Slytherin house. It made her feel sick.

Suddenly Mr. Wilson lifted the curse and Noah let his body fall on Eleanor's, trying to crawl to her as close as possible. His head laid in her neck and he was sobbing, Eleanor continued stroking his hair and whispered reassurences in his ear. "You are so strong, No. So strong. I'm here." She would always be here for her older brother, she loved him more than anything.

"Darling, I think he learned his lesson now," Mrs. Wilson whispered and grabbed her husbands arm. Glancing at her children, her eyes emotionless. Mr. Wilson nodded. "Yes, I hope he did." They both walked away without looking back.

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