15) Under the stars

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It was the last day off school and Eleanor and her two best friends were walking towards the train, dragging their suitcases and in Eleanor's case, a big comfortable case for Myron, behind them.

"And you're sure you don't mind me spending the holiday over at your place, Draco?" Eleanor asked for the fifth time and Draco rolled his eyes.
"I already told you, I like you there. It's a lot less quiet when I have you to entertain me."
Eleanor grinned at the boy and he smiled back.

"Oi! Ellie!" A voice was heard from behind them and Eleanor spun around when she heard the sound of it. Immediately recognizing who the owner of the sound was.

A few moments later her suitcase fell to the floor— Draco stretched his hand to save Myron from the hard floor, and she was spun into the air by two strong arms.
"Leaving without saying goodbye?" George said and pecked Eleanor on the cheek after Fred let go of her and put her back on the ground.
Eleanor looked around her with a blush on her cheeks and noticed they were alone, all of the other children already aboard on the train but of course, the three had to wait this morning for Pansy who was dreadfully slow with packing all her belongings. She didn't minded it all too much, now she was with her two boys.

"Of course not! I was planning on finding you on the train.. to give you a proper goodbye."
"And that's our cue to leave," She heard Pansy say and she dragged Draco away by his hand.

"Ooh! I can't wait, care to give us a preview?" George asked and before he had finished his sentence Eleanor had placed her lips on his. She kissed him slow and lovingly with a hint of tongue and George sighed into the kiss. A shot of sparkles ignited in both their stomachs. Eleanor ended the snog and turned to Fred, giving him a kiss as well. Fred tangled his hands in Eleanor's hair and played a little with her bottom lip.

A cough was heard from behind them and Eleanor turned around, with both the boys arms possessively placed around her back, to see Noah standing there, his eyebrow raised.

"Done?" The three nodded and snorted.

"Are you joining me to the Burrow then, El?" Eleanor looked confused to her brother and then to the twins.

"Uhm.. no? Why are you spending time at the Burrow?"

"It's not like mum and dad are jumping around to see me, I'm a disgrace to the family, me being friends with Gryffindors and all. The Weasley's asked me to spend the summer at theirs. They love me."

"Hate to admit it, but mums awfully fond of you," Fred agreed.

"I think Gin's a bit in love with you as well," George said.

"Where are you spending your summer?" The three looked at Eleanor questionably and she played with her hands in nervousness.

"Draco asked me to come join him at Malfoy Manor. His parents aren't there much and he gets lonely a lot. He is my best friend after all and I don't like seeing him sad. You guys also didn't invite me," Eleanor rambled, a little scared to see their reactions, afraid Fred and George would be jealous and she looked up to see the three boys smiling. She felt relieved
"You're welcome to come visit us at any time," Fred said and George continued: "please come as often as possible. We would hate missing you."

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