2) Chocolate & Caramel

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George did not understand what was happening

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George did not understand what was happening. He was sat in class, next to his brother Fred and he could see his soulmate writing sentences to him, they were having an conversation. The problem was.. He was not the one replying, she was talking to someone else and he could only see her side.

 He was not the one replying, she was talking to someone else and he could only see her side

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Do what?! He was so bloody frustrated that he began pulling his hair without him noticing. He thought back to his conversation with Lee last evening and wondered. Could it be possible that he shared his soulmate with someone else? Maybe there had been a mistake— yes, there must be.

"Mate, what's up?" George heard Fred whisper next to him. He loosened his fingers and dropped them down, pulling his sleeve down, to cover the writing, before he let them rest on his desk.

"Nothing," He hissed back at his brother and shifted his attention to professor McGonagall who was going on about something he wasn't quite understanding. He wasn't trying either, this was way more important. This was his future.

He really hoped he was wrong because he really didn't wanted to share his soulmate.

Eleanor really did love the food at Hogwarts. It was better than any restaurant she had ever eaten at— not that she had been to many, and don't tell anyone from Slytherin this; but she had become great friends with the House Elfs in the kitchen. They often sneaked her some food and snacks.

Draco was frowning at her. "It's disgusting how much you eat."

Eleanor flipped him the bird and Pansy nodded approvingly. "Let the girl eat, Draco."

Draco sighed but made no further complaints, he did sneak her some disgusted looks here and there but he knew Eleanor better. Food was and would always be her number one priority.

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