18) Diffindo

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"It's so wonderful of you to join us, Eleanor!" Molly gleefully said and placed a big pan of thick soup on the large table in Grimmauld place and immediately after Ron dove to the ladle to serve himself a big portion which received him a tick on the hands of his mother. "Guests first!" She hissed and Eleanor laughed before giving Fred her plate to let him put in the soup.
"Thank you for letting me join you," Eleanor politely said and took a big gulp of her soup after everyone had gotten their piece. "This is outstanding!" She hummed.
Fred and George had bragged about their mum's cooking skills and now she could finally happily agree.
"Thank you, dear. You're too kind," Molly gushed and Eleanor saw Arthur give the woman a loving look.

Eleanor felt truly at home and she couldn't for the life of her remember the last time she had a family dinner. Sure, Narcissa joined Draco and her sometimes but it was mostly just the two teens who ate the cooking of the small house elfs at Malfoy Manor.

"I told you she's nice for a Slytherin!" George told his little sister, Ginny, who seemed to be looking at Eleanor in fear.
"Oi!" Eleanor shouted and poked George in the ribs which made him do a weird move. Ginny cracked a smile at that and felt much more at ease.
"Don't worry Ginny, I promise you I'm nothing like the Slytherin's you have encountered in the past," Eleanor whispered out to the girl and Ginny relaxed in her seat.
"She wouldn't harm a fly!" Fred added.
"I wouldn't say that. She did almost punch that cashier in the muggle shop, Freddie," George said and Eleanor shot a glare. Really?! They had to say that at the dining table where everyone could hear?
"You did?!" Ron's eyes went big and stared at the blonde girl. "Wicked!"

"Did she deserve it?" Ginny's high voice interrupted Ron and Eleanor's eyes crinkled at that.
"She was flirting with Fred and George, couldn't let that happen," Eleanor winked at Ginny and she laughed.
"Atta girl! That's my sister!" Noah's voice boomed from the other side of the table and everyone laughed. This was the first time Eleanor noticed her brother and he was still dressed in his pyjama's, the lazy bugger had slept all day. Not surprising.
"You're just as much as a trouble maker as my boys then," Molly said and looked lovingly at the three. Eleanor had been really scared for Molly to be mad at her, it wasn't exactly the bestest impression; her almost punching a harmless muggle girl, but she could see that Molly would do anything for Arthur too and Eleanor was glad to see they had that in common. She cared deeply for her boys.

"It was hot," Were Fred's final words about the conversation before the topic directed to something else and Eleanor was all too happy to just listen to their worlds and interests.

"Can I help you with the dishes, Molly?" Eleanor asked the woman after dinner had finished and everyone except for her, Fred and George had left the room. Molly nodded and handed Eleanor a towel. "If you could dry them that'd be wonderful, dear."
Eleanor looked back at the twins and George mouthed 'We're at the living room' at her and she smiled, watching them walk away.

"Do you love them?" Molly's question almost made Eleanor drop a plate and she looked at the woman with big eyes.
"Love is a big word," She mumbled and placed a clean plate in the cupboard.
Molly stopped doing what she was doing and turned her body towards the girl, her eyes gleaming with kindness. "I can see the way they look at you, Eleanor. I have never seen them so happy."
Eleanor blushed and let her hair fall in front of her face and looked up when she felt a hand placed on her shoulder.
"They are in love with you, dear. It's not a problem if you have to wait a little longer to tell them your feelings. That's perfectly fine."
Eleanor merely nodded. "I care about them deeply."
Molly turned around to finish washing the dishes. "I can tell, sweetheart."

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