21) Umbridge & Quidditch

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Today was the first of September, Hogwarts was starting again and Eleanor couldn't be more thrilled. She had missed the school, missed Pansy (she had been traveling with her parents), missed the food and honestly; she missed sneaking around with Fred and George. She loved the thrill. Draco had called her stupid for that. "Think about the consequences if you get caught!"

As usual Eleanor had dismissed the boy his worries, even though she knew deep down he was right. Her scars were the proof of that, the scars that Fred and George multiple times had pressed their lips on, reassuring El she was beautiful; with or without scars.
She almost thought of them as something pretty, just because of the words her two boys had whispered.

"For Merlin's sake, Elle.. Hurry up, stop eating that! Ugh—" Draco groaned before taking over her trunk and irritably walking away.
"It's your fault if we miss the train!" He shouted, not even looking at her before his long legs took him away.

Draco had been annoyed with her all day — and the day had only begun — because Eleanor kept forgetting things or remembering little bits and bobs that made them run late. He lost his temper a little when El had complained about being hungry and he grumpily bought her a scone in a Muggle shop in Kings Cross.

"Dray.. don't be like that!" Eleanor shouted and hobbled after him, the case with Myron in it in her hand. Myron had stayed at Malfoy's Manor with them and he and Draco grew very close, not that Draco would say that but she had caught him snuggling the cat more than a few times.

"You first," Draco ushered her to the platform 9 3/4 and Eleanor drew a deep breath before running through the wall.

Not only a second later Draco bumped into her and she excitedly grabbed his hand.
"Let's go find Pansy!"
And she dragged Draco along with her, standing on her toes every now and then to look over the big crowd of faces.

A big car, ordered by Narcissa Malfoy, had brought them to the station and both the two teens had to admit that it hurt a little bit to see all the families hugging and saying goodbyes to their children. At least they had each other, Eleanor thought.

Draco dragged her away when Eleanor met eyes with Fred and George. It had only been three days since she had last seen them but her heart skipped a beat anyways.

"Don't even think about saying 'hi' to them. We have to keep up our appearances."

Draco and the twins had grown closer over the summer as well. Not quite friends yet, but friendly enough to not call each other names anymore. They sometimes did, but everyone knew that was just meant as playful banter. Draco had told her one night: "I'm happy for you, Elle. It makes me happy to see you happy. They are alright." Never had she once thought that Draco would say that about the twins.

Eleanor let Draco guide her to the Slytherin section in the train where Pansy was already seated. Both girl squealed when they saw each other and brought their arms around one another.

"I missed you so much!" Pansy told her. "My summer was dreadful without you two. Mum and dad took me to America, which was amazing.. Did you know they call Muggles 'No-Maj' over there? Sounds ridiculous, if you ask me. Ooooh! We should go to America when we finish Hogwarts, maybe even next summer!" Pansy all said in one breath.

"No-Maj? That does sound ridiculous," Draco agreed after giving Pansy a hug and sitting down in front of her.

"How was your summer?" Pansy asked the two and her mouth hung open when Draco and El told her what had happened.

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