Chapter 8: Spy plan

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"Welcome to "i spy a pig" my shadowy lair of spies hahahahaha!! Said ms piggy.

I was surprised because her spies were small yellow with jeans and one eye and goggles. Hmm I thought what weird spies.

" :Ok spies, we need to track down my husband kirrmeet and i will personally spank him because he was a badddddddd boyyyyyyyyyy and i am not happy with his behavior

NOBODY YYY can cheat on ms. PIGGY a country singer turned porn star turned actress of Hannah Montana turned playboy model turned business owner of Green Bean Santa Monica Weed Shop and Shake Shack.

"Yes i agree" said her spies "BUt first we need to listen to BEYONCe and nickiiiii to get in the mood okk???" the spies said

'"Uchhh these spies were realling cheap" ms piggy whispers to me

"They always play trashy music, while my favoriote music is countryyyyyyy"

Wow, shes very weird i thought, who in the world listens to country music. Probably those nonexistence portugese people.

Then she screeched "TRUN OFf DA MOTheRFuVKIN MSUIC"

"OK soryyyyy" said her spies. We have found a green signal from a trailer located in the PBS studios for sesame street.

Miss Piggy then tells everyone "WE need to confront KErmyyyyy and Elmo and Ill spank Kermy there! I know a good plan". UGHHHH I should have known my dumb kermit was thereeOe! Piss piggy exclaimed

When the entourage arrived at the parking lot. I realiex that it was my sexy hot elmo boyfriends trailer!!!!!

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